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Thread: Tax Rebate

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Whiskey
    I don't mind the Gov't giving me back some of the money i paid in.
    that's not what they are doing. the idea is to stimulate the economy in the most efficient way possible. the money didn't come from you, it is coming from Chinese investors, paid back by your grandchildren.

  2. #42
    ? HOFer
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    Mar 2006
    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    I was done with my daily tasks within two hours.
    Must be nice. Almost like being on vacation.
    Almost. Do you actually play with your kids or do you post online all day? You posted all day today. When was all the hard work of taking care of your kids.

    Me, I left the house at 6:30. I just got back now. This is the earliest I get home during the week. Go figure. Must be like a vacation

  3. #43
    There seems to be a lot anger and sexual tension between Partial & Skinbasket. I wonder what really happened during that Bears game weekend. Whatever it is, I wish you guys would take your quarrel to PM. You're upsetting me.

  4. #44
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    There seems to be a lot anger and sexual tension between Partial & Skinbasket. I wonder what really happened during that Bears game weekend. Whatever it is, I wish you guys would take your quarrel to PM. You're upsetting me.
    All thats needed is a little tax rebate.

  5. #45
    btw, the justification for not giving a rebate to people over a certain income level is that they are unlikely to spend it. For a lot of reasons, I think this is true. Since the goal is only to maximize stimulation (that has an appealing ring to it) the cap makes sense.

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    Skin keep your work contacts up because there will come a time when even if you don't have to, you're gonna want to go back to work just for your sanity (you might even be there already) and once the working world decides that your past work experiences are too long ago, getting a job becomes a real bitch.
    I worked the same place for 6 years during college then while the wife went to law school, so I only have one contact. And I doubt I'm going back to Madison just to work. I'm thinking more like one of those luggage handlers at the airport. Something I can throw my back out on and collect workers comp. Maybe get on Social Security early and take some of Partial's money to even the score.

    So, you wait long enough, the truth comes out..... You've had ONE job for SIX years. That's IT? You prance around here like you are some fucking expert and then reality hits and you are some insignificant house husband who can't make it on his own, and has probably never had a decent job.

    And spare me the self serving, "I'm raising my kids line". The kids you raise will be "drive by shooting" the neighborhood at 12. If you are who you say you are, it scares the crap out of me to think that you're passing on your morals, values, and "expert" points of view to impressionable youngsters, even if you somehow fathered them. Your poor children have no hope, unless your wife is an amazing woman. Since she puts up with you there is at least some hope of that. (Please God, let that be true).

    The only side benefit is that 5 minutes after your daughter turns 18, you'll be posting her nude pics in the garbage can, like you do every other naked thing you can find. Equal opportunity, right?

    You really are a "know it all" deadbeat. SIX years. And an EXPERT. Wow. What a fucking moron. Why don't you crawl back into your $200k hovel and stay there? If I had a dollar for every idiot that wandered through my doors with my retail store and "knew how to do it better than me", I'd be Bill Gates rich. Idiots like you don't know squat... You don't have enough experience to find the fucking building much less do anything meaningful in life.

    It's a fucking joke that you've given Partial as hard a time as you have. At least he's out there trying out the world, instead of hiding behind an extremely intelligent and tolerant skirt.

  7. #47
    What is the cap on the rebate?

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
    What is the cap on the rebate?
    I heard 75K for single person. But I just read that the Senate Finance Committee offered a version with no cap at all.

    I just got the solution:
    They should just hide $1000 checks inside of American-made refrigerators and couches and such. this is a GENIUS idea.

  9. #49
    Quote Originally Posted by retailguy

    At least he's out there trying out the world, instead of hiding behind an extremely intelligent and tolerant skirt.
    That's hitting below the belt. If the goal is for one parent to stay home and one be in the workforce, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it to be the male rather than the female. When I was married and my kids were small I earned more money then he did. If we had chose one of us to stay at home it would have been him. Instead we worked opposite shifts. That has it's drawbacks too.

    I think you may be taking skin's online persona a bit too realistic.

  10. #50
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Licking, Taco
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Almost. Do you actually play with your kids or do you post online all day? You posted all day today. When was all the hard work of taking care of your kids.

    Me, I left the house at 6:30. I just got back now. This is the earliest I get home during the week. Go figure. Must be like a vacation
    Poor partial. Such a hard hard life.

    You have no fucking idea. None. I know you college guys like to think you've got it all figured out. Guess what? You don't. You think life is hard because you have to do two things at once? Whooptie fucking doo.

    Me, I get up in the middle of the night, every night, to feed and change a baby. After he goes to bed again, I get up at 4:30-5:50 every morning to feed him again and take care of the 3 year old, who's usually awake. the next 14 hours are spent playing, feeding, cleaning, teaching, helping, changing diapers, etc. I also have a house to take care of, food to buy, meals to make, places to go. Really, that's just the beginning. Every few hours, I like to pretend I still have time for myself. I'll look at a few websites for all of 10 minutes. If they both nap at the same time, I'll work out and maybe, just maybe, get the chance to eat a real lunch. The rest of the afternoon is filled with running, crying, screaming, whining, and more shit to do - including cleaning up the giant fucking mess the house has become during the day. Then I get to bathe them and put them to bed around 6 or 7pm. Then I get to make dinner and drink. Maybe I'll take a shower. Maybe not because it's 10pm an I'll be up again in 3-4 hours.

    These past two days I'm lucky. The oldest is at his grandparents for two days. Thats my fucking vacation. Great. I get to look at the internet a little more. Listen to some music. Wild fucking times.

    And if I'm sick? guess what? I don't get to call in sick. I can be puking my guts out, shitting fire out my ass. That doesn't mean the kids give a shit or my wife, who works a real job, not an internship, can just stay home that day. If I'm tired? too fucking bad. I can't quit my job and go work at Sears hawking washers and dryers.

    Get the fucking idea? You think life is hard when you're doing shit for yourself you selfish little squeeb? Try living life for yourself and three other people and get back to me. It's rewarding. It's great. I love it. It's what being a family - something o f which you seem to have a complete lack of understanding - is about. Just don't try to compare your "hard knock life" as a student with a job (like 80% of the rest of college kids) to living life outside your insulated little turd world.

    The difference here is that I've done what you've done, and then some. And now I'm doing this. You haven't, but you sure as shit seem to think you have. you think you're unique. That somehow you have it harder than most. understand there are tens of millions of people out there who have it worse - far worse, than I do, as parents. Not as intern/students/egomaniacs, but as parents. So buck up fucker, and get to work. I'm sure that 2 hours really kills you. I'll be sure to cry for you tonight when I fall asleep with my cock in my hand.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by retailguy
    (yukky stuff)
    Christ. Retail, I know you're not the only one doing it, but this business of attacking somebody over their personal life is getting way too nasty.

    Fun and games is fine, but making judgements about other peoples character and personal circumstance based on a few personal disclosures is gross.

    How about a truce.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
    Quote Originally Posted by retailguy

    At least he's out there trying out the world, instead of hiding behind an extremely intelligent and tolerant skirt.
    That's hitting below the belt. If the goal is for one parent to stay home and one be in the workforce, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it to be the male rather than the female. When I was married and my kids were small I earned more money then he did. If we had chose one of us to stay at home it would have been him. Instead we worked opposite shifts. That has it's drawbacks too.

    I think you may be taking skin's online persona a bit too realistic.

    I really don't think it is hitting below the belt. You read the drivel he posts here and the "unbarred" grief he gives others. Hell, read this thread and see what he's said just about Partial. Then you find out the truth.

    Nope, I think I've called this one right. I'm usually a pretty understanding guy. Not with this idiot. He's either created a "dick" personality, or it is who he really is. Either way, if he can "dish it" he can take it...

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    And if I'm sick?
    If? If?

    down boy. this has gotten out of hand.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
    What is the cap on the rebate?
    I heard 75K for single person. But I just read that the Senate Finance Committee offered a version with no cap at all.

    I just got the solution:
    They should just hide $1000 checks inside of American-made refrigerators and couches and such. this is a GENIUS idea.

    $75k for single people and I think $150k for married families (but I didn't look it up).

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Quote Originally Posted by retailguy
    (yukky stuff)
    Christ. Retail, I know you're not the only one doing it, but this business of attacking somebody over their personal life is getting way too nasty.

    Fun and games is fine, but making judgements about other peoples character and personal circumstance based on a few personal disclosures is gross.

    How about a truce.
    A truce? You think HE wants a truce? Read what he's said about Partial. READ IT. Read the crap in the garbage can. THEN read who he is, what he does, how he thinks, and how he judges others... Then tell me again that I'm outta line.

    Then I'll tell you to "buzz off"...

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by retailguy
    Either way, if he can "dish it" he can take it...
    your point is valid, but Partial can defend himself. lets talk about happy things. what you got planned for valentine's day?

  17. #57
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Licking, Taco
    Quote Originally Posted by retailguy
    So, you wait long enough, the truth comes out..... You've had ONE job for SIX years. That's IT? You prance around here like you are some fucking expert and then reality hits and you are some insignificant house husband who can't make it on his own, and has probably never had a decent job.

    And spare me the self serving, "I'm raising my kids line". The kids you raise will be "drive by shooting" the neighborhood at 12. If you are who you say you are, it scares the crap out of me to think that you're passing on your morals, values, and "expert" points of view to impressionable youngsters, even if you somehow fathered them. Your poor children have no hope, unless your wife is an amazing woman. Since she puts up with you there is at least some hope of that. (Please God, let that be true).

    The only side benefit is that 5 minutes after your daughter turns 18, you'll be posting her nude pics in the garbage can, like you do every other naked thing you can find. Equal opportunity, right?

    You really are a "know it all" deadbeat. SIX years. And an EXPERT. Wow. What a fucking moron. Why don't you crawl back into your $200k hovel and stay there? If I had a dollar for every idiot that wandered through my doors with my retail store and "knew how to do it better than me", I'd be Bill Gates rich. Idiots like you don't know squat... You don't have enough experience to find the fucking building much less do anything meaningful in life.

    It's a fucking joke that you've given Partial as hard a time as you have. At least he's out there trying out the world, instead of hiding behind an extremely intelligent and tolerant skirt.
    You are a dumber fucking moron than I ever thought possible. Astoundingly pathetic. Really. I mean it. You are disgustingly ignorant. I'm glad Madtown's picked up such high talent to cruise forums from work.

    I don't have to apologize to you that I had a better job than you'll ever have that supported two people through college and law school while you and Partial bounced around burger joints and Sears stores.

    Wow. That's the saddest, most self loathing drivel that's ever been posted here. Congrats. I won't be sad when you hang yourself.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  18. #58
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Licking, Taco
    I cant believe Harlan is trying to negotiate a truce for me. The world is fucked.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  19. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    I won't be sad when you hang yourself.
    See, Retail, I think SkinBasket is trying to extend an olive branch here.

  20. #60
    ? HOFer
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    Mar 2006
    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    No Skin, I don't think what I do is hard nor have I ever said that it was. You can take your sob story about how hard it is to raise kids (Gee, I'll have to do the same thing someday accept I'll hold a job). I have worked 2 more years than you and I am 22. It's admirable that you want to watch the kids. No one disagrees with that. But, if you're going to talk about "the real world" and having a real job, I suppose you should have that experience before spouting off

    I have probably put more into taxes than you have from the sounds of it.

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