Quote Originally Posted by Partial
I'm not going to bother responding to that. There is a lot more to voting than a presidential selection. That, and if you think they're going to give up their voice when they're at an age where plenty of their friends, coworkers, and family members fought for freedom and died, you're off your rocker.

Stats show everything you need to know. If you don't think the older voters are going to be out in full-force that day, then I don't even know what to say.
Really, Partial? You think that voters are going to look at McCain and ignore the fact that he's weak on immigration and that he has not taken a stand on same-sex marriage?

That isn't even mentioning the fact that he's managed to piss of the evangelicals of the party! He's destroyed the votes that he needs to win, Partial. He's burned bridges, cut ties, whatever you want to call it he has pulled away from the people that put Republicans in the White House.

He will get independents, Partial, but he will not be able to make up the conservatives that he will lose. That is almost as good as fact.