I'm not denouncing experience. Hell, myself I think Obama is a little raw. Experience, however, is not the be all and end all of a campaign. Hillary says she has 35 years of experience. 35 years of what? I'd take somebody doing 5 years of real-solid work than 35 years of fluff any day. I'm not denouncing Hillary, for she has done great work in her years as a politician, but how much time has she spent really working for the people? How much time has any politician really spent working for others and not themselves?

I would of been fine with Richardson to be honest, I would of been fine with Dodd or Biden. Actually, I want Biden to be the VP on either ticket to the White House. But experience is becoming less and less important and the emphasis is turning to likability and how good a person's smile is. Experience is great, but it's to applied when you have it and when you don't you BS.