John McCain made a speech today--a foreign policy statement. In some ways, he sounded disgustingly like John Kerry--America should be a good citizen of the world; We should buy into the stupid global warming crap; We should take the views of our allies into consideration, etc. I was like whoa, what have we Republicans got ourselves into with this guy--kinda like when Thompson drafted Harrell and a whole lot of other unknowns.

Just as we have learned to have faith in Thompson's good judgment, however, so too, we will, IMO, learn to trust McCain.

The columnist, Charles Krauthammer on Fox this afternoon, shed some light on how something as bad sounding as McCain's speech could actually be good for America. Krauthammer said that McCain's main point was that we should work with a "league" of enlightened representative democracies in the world--the old standbys plus Brazil and India--to get things done that need doing. The effect of that is to make the UN irrelevant. The UN in recent decades has ranged from a worthless do-nothing institution to a downright anti-American organization. Given the political climate--the leftist dominated media, we can't just get out of the UN, so this is the best way to deal with the barbaric enemies we now see in the world.

I still hate what McCain's position seems to be on global warming, etc., but like trusting Ted Thompson, hopefully trusting McCain on this will somehow NOT be as bad for America as it seems.

The bottom line is the urgency of winning this election, and McCain is like the proverbial half a loaf--that is a helluva lot better than none.