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Thread: Recession coming

  1. #41
    Like Joe said, after welfare reform, welfare is pretty hard to get and if you do get it, it sure doesn't pay you enough to have a couch, much less cable. And you're not paying for them, you dolt. It goes into a fund that pays for everyone--including you. I believe (could be wrong) that it means no more insurance deductions coming out of YOUR precious paycheck which is obviously so much more important than making sure all of the kids in this country have access to the same healthcare as you because of course it's their fault they were born to people without your resources.

    And remember Mr. Computer Programmer, that the Federal govt. is a HUGE employer of programmers so we'll see if your tune changes should you be up for one of those civil service jobs, though I can tell you, the security's great, but you likely won't make as much as in the private sector.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  2. #42
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Ummm... You're kidding me, one of my best friends dad is a social worker for the government (6 weeks paid vacation annually, mind you). He says that the vast majority of the people that he sees in the ghetto don't wake up before noon unless its the first of the month (when they're camped out for their check). They have cable, they just don't pay it.

    Kind of a funny story from the Sears day, but Black Friday this year and the weekend following Sears had an issue with their credit card sign-up where anyone who signed up automatically was improved. Well, let me tell you word of mouth spread like wildfire among the poor folk, and I was asked for credit cards by no less than 120 people in three days. That's just me, one person, I know some people were getting over 100 apps per day on the weekend. I'm not trying to stereotype at all, but before that weekend I was asked maybe once or twice by customers if they could sign up, and the rest of the time I did the asking. No, it was not typical in correlation to the volume of people in the store. At any rate, for the following weeks, I still had people coming up to me asking for cards left and right, but by that time they were denied.

    I guarantee you those poor assholes are never going to pay a dime of that back. They are essentially stealing, and we're all footing the bills in the form of increased rates, etc. I can't even imagine how many cards are out there from my store alone, let alone every store across the country.

    Sadly, the people applying for these cards were living up to the stereotype. Not a single person was white, and not a single one was wearing inexpensive clothes or didn't have their hair and makeup done. For people that can't even pay their bills, they sure managed to come in dressed to impress.

  3. #43
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Ummm... You're kidding me, one of my best friends dad is a social worker for the government (6 weeks paid vacation annually, mind you). He says that the vast majority of the people that he sees in the ghetto don't wake up before noon unless its the first of the month (when they're camped out for their check). They have cable, they just don't pay it.
    Well, if Partial's best friends' dad says it then it must be true!

    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  4. #44
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Ummm... You're kidding me, one of my best friends dad is a social worker for the government (6 weeks paid vacation annually, mind you). He says that the vast majority of the people that he sees in the ghetto don't wake up before noon unless its the first of the month (when they're camped out for their check). They have cable, they just don't pay it.
    Well, if Partial's best friends' dad says it then it must be true!

    You have a lot to learn. Maybe you should go start chasing some girls instead of acting like a 13 year old know it all.

    Instead of being a little 13 year old bitch, I suggest you take some time to view each and every episode of Hood 2 Hood online and then come back and talk to me.

  5. #45
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet

    I could go on and on and on.

    The scariest part about Barack Obama is he worked as a social worker, he knows exactly how big of worthless assholes most of these people are, and he still wants to pump a ton of money into the ghettos.

    Good thing you can't vote Ballhawk. You should wait until you grow up, have to get a job, buy yourself a car, and take a cruise through the ghetto before you speak on which you know not of.

  6. #46
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet

    I don't see these guys out there applying for jobs or contributing anything good to society. As a result, I have no sympathy.

  7. #47
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    "My watch costs more than your house nigga"

  8. #48
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Partial, you're the biggest fucking elitist the world has ever had the misfortune of seeing.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  9. #49
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Good thing you can't vote Ballhawk. You should wait until you grow up, have to get a job, buy yourself a car, and take a cruise through the ghetto before you speak on which you know not of.
    I think you're right, P. I'll wait until I obtain the same staggering amount of knowledge and intelligence that you have. I'm sure then I'll be smart enough to vote.

    On that note, Partial, it's time to go play with yourself. Your man-sack is due to explode any minute now.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  10. #50
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Wow, those insults instead of an actual rebuttle are quite classy and speak volumes about you. The onlyelitist here is you, thinking everyone should get an equal piece of the pie because you've got so damn much money as a 13 year old that you don't know how to spend it all! As for my mansack, I had sex 5 times last weekend. Once you touch a girl for the first time, you can come talk to me about my mansack

  11. #51
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Wow, those insults instead of an actual rebuttle are quite classy and speak volumes about you. The onlyelitist here is you, thinking everyone should get an equal piece of the pie because you've got so damn much money as a 13 year old that you don't know how to spend it all! As for my mansack, I had sex 5 times last weekend. Once you touch a girl for the first time, you can come talk to me about my mansack
    Please, do not start with your "this shows me your character" shtick. You've only done it with every goddamn person on this forum already.

    And bragging about having sex on an internet forum? Nice one, dude. I'm sure Anna's proud of ya.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  12. #52
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Wow, those insults instead of an actual rebuttle are quite classy and speak volumes about you. The onlyelitist here is you, thinking everyone should get an equal piece of the pie because you've got so damn much money as a 13 year old that you don't know how to spend it all! As for my mansack, I had sex 5 times last weekend. Once you touch a girl for the first time, you can come talk to me about my mansack
    Please, do not start with your "this shows me your character" shtick. You've only done it with every goddamn person on this forum already.

    And bragging about having sex on an internet forum? Nice one, dude. I'm sure Anna's proud of ya.
    Ballhawk, when you get to be my age and are getting some on a regular occasion it isn't bragging and it isn't a big deal. It's called a joke.

    You're a 13 year old kid who's not even legally allowed to work. Yet, you go around talking a big game like you know all the answers. Hell, I was a 13 year old once too, so I know how it is, except the difference was I was far more concerned with learning about myself, my friends, rec basketball, pirating dreamcast games, and flirting with every girl in site. I sure as hell didn't have an attitude or act like I knew anything about politics, jobs, the economy, or how the world works.

    That's good that you're ambitious and like learning about this stuff, but these are things that you can't read in a book or google. You've got to see it first hand. Assanine claims about how the Obama support group is going to show up in full-force while the Republicans and older crowd are going to stay at home are a prime testament to this. Every time I have gone to the polls (yes, even that first time in high school to cast an ignorant ballet for that crook Jimmy D, Herbert Kohl and Russ Feingold), it has been by far and away a majority of older people w/ the exception of when I voted on campus at Platteville.

    You should start discussing life with Madtown. I think you'll learn a lot.

  13. #53
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Partial, for the love of God, I'm 15. I can legally work and I have a job.

    And, no, Partial, I don't claim to know all the answers. I don't go around telling people they are wrong and I am right. I don't pretend like I've lived a hard life. I don't act like I'm above people. I don't tell people that they need to get a job. I don't tell people how to raise their kids. I give my opinion and that is it.

    Partial, if anybody thinks they know all the answers it is you. If there is one person on this forum that goes around waffling their mouth off on topics that they have no clue on it is you. I'm sure others could testify to that.

    And, one more thing Partial, I don't act like I know how things work about politics, jobs, and the economy. I know how these things work. Do I know them to the degree of people like Joe, Harlan, and others on here? Of course not. But I will stand behind what I know and what I believe and to have somebody like you tell me what I know and don't know is laughable.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  14. #54
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Land of the midnight sun
    I thought Ballhawk was a 52 year old perv.....he's 13?

  15. #55
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    I thought Ballhawk was a 52 year old perv.....he's 13?
    The age-old debate.....
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    Uh...Tyrone....I believe that was sarcasm, and yes, turning gray in the ER is about the only way to get attention there short of collapsing unconscious or screaming for an emesis basin (and if someone hears your plea, they hand you one and leave you alone for a few more hours).

    If little Johnny was at the docs office with that earache instead of the ER, you'd have gotten treatment faster, no?
    I knew it was sarcasm. I was illustrating how bad it is to go to the ER. And, that is the point...i had a SERIOUS medical issue and freakin moronic parents bring their kid who can wait to the ER.

    C'mon Zig, you should know be better than that.

    But, i love how you are on the same page as me. When will you be flying out to glorious scottsdale to consumate our forbidden love?

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial

    Why would I want to pay for J-bones' health care so he can sit on the couch with his cable and collect welfare checks? Fuck that. Doctors cannot refuse care. They already get treated for free. Why make me pay for them?
    When it all comes down to it, you are paying for it in some shape or form. If someone without insurance goes to the ER for medical attention because that is the only way they can receive care the money for that medical attention is going to be received somehow.....whether it be through your higher taxes, higher insurance, higher co-pay, higher doctor fees....they are going to retrieve that money someway.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial

    You're a 13 year old kid who's not even legally allowed to work. Yet, you go around talking a big game like you know all the answers.
    With all due respect, you are only what, 22, 23? There is a wealth of knowledge...."life lessons" you can learn as well from many of those at this site, IMO.

  19. #59
    Anyway, back to the question of a recession. I, for one, have noticed my paycheck is not stretching as far as it used over the last 4 months or so. I've asked others if they have noticed it because for me it was about the same time I increased my money going into a deferred compensation at work and I was beginning to think I went overboard with that.

  20. #60
    Senior Rat HOFer oregonpackfan's Avatar
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    Respected economist Warren Buffet stated today that America is already in a recession. The question is no longer "if" or "when," according to Buffet.

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