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Thread: New Indiana Jones movie (see the movie before reading)

  1. #1
    Hands-to-the-face Rat HOFer 3irty1's Avatar
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    New Indiana Jones movie (see the movie before reading)

    I saw it last night............................................. .............................
    .................................................. ................................................
    .................................................. ................................................
    70% of the Earth is covered by water. The rest is covered by Al Harris.

  2. #2
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    You could at least give your opinion on good/bad, as the reviews have been widely scattered, without any spoilers.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  3. #3
    Hands-to-the-face Rat HOFer 3irty1's Avatar
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    Fair enough.

    I am a monster Indiana Jones fan and all day yesterday I was humming the theme song. My advice to anyone who highly regards the Indiana Jones series is lower your expectations.

    Harrison Ford does a great job and so do his stunt doubles. Its packed full of trademark goofy action but IMO there are some real eye-rolling moments. I was hesitant to say anything because of the ending which could be wildly controversial among fans of the series.

    That's the no spoilers version.
    70% of the Earth is covered by water. The rest is covered by Al Harris.

  4. #4
    Hands-to-the-face Rat HOFer 3irty1's Avatar
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    If you've seen the movie you can highlight the text below:

    Aliens?! Seriously?! Its like they were trying to get a head start on ET 2. After 20 years I expect an entertainment monster like George Lucas to come up with something much better than this.

    This movie also takes stormtrooper syndrome to a new level. Multiple times there is a truck of commie soldiers firing automatic rifles at Indie from less than ten yards and nobody ever gets hit. But they didn't manage to slaughter all those Mayans at the end.

    Some of the goofy action got out of hand too. Like the whole monkey part where the kid from Transformers starts swinging on vines or when Indie's girlfriend from Raiders drives off the cliff onto the tree. I thought the most ridiculous thing I would have seen was when he survived the atomic explosion inside the lead-lined fridge.

    I thought this movie was a big let down and I'm kind of baffled by the good reviews I saw. If you've seen the movie I'd like to hear what you thought.
    70% of the Earth is covered by water. The rest is covered by Al Harris.

  5. #5
    Senior Rat HOFer LL2's Avatar
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    Did you see Packinpatland's daughter? Want to know if she's a hottie.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    Did you see Packinpatland's daughter? Want to know if she's a hottie.
    Did her part make the cut? I thought last time PIPL posted about it they were waiting to see if her part would be in the movie? Maybe I got that all wrong.
    Where has PIPL been?

  7. #7
    Senior Rat HOFer oregonpackfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    Did you see Packinpatland's daughter? Want to know if she's a hottie.
    Did her part make the cut? I thought last time PIPL posted about it they were waiting to see if her part would be in the movie? Maybe I got that all wrong.
    Where has PIPL been?
    She is still around. I did send her a PM recently. Both she and her husband responded to it. She just seems to be traveling quite a bit lately.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
    Where has PIPL been?

    B told me she's at Grailee camp in New Hampshire.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Campbell
    Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
    Where has PIPL been?

    B told me she's at Grailee camp in New Hampshire.
    The fact that I know where she really is makes that suggestion really gross. Blech.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  10. #10
    I liked it a lot, but not quite as much as Raiders .......--the first, and Last Crusade--the third.

    Somebody told me J.J. Hardy of the Brewers had a bit part as a kid in the first Indiana Jones movie. Anybody know anything about that?

  11. #11
    The critics who went into it thinking they shouldn't have made it, for whatever reason (Ford's too old, new computer effects won't match old style effects from previous movies), tended not to like it.

    The critics who liked the previous movies and went in expecting to be entertained generally were.

    I thought it was a blast. Different than what I expected, which is good for the fourth movie in a series. Like Tex said, it's not Raiders (nor could it be, really) but I'd put it just slightly below Last Crusade (which gets the edge for Sean Connery). Lots of fun. Thumbs up.

    I liked how the movie, now set in the 50's as opposed to the 30's/40's borrows a 50's sci-fi/adventure vibe. The gap in time since the last one could have been a huge liability if handled wrong, but they used it to good advantage.

  12. #12
    i liked it. pure entertainment

    i thought it was on par with the last crusade. not as good as raiders, but better than temple of doom

    there were a couple of real stupid moments that had george lucas' hands all over them. like the chase through the jungle and the swinging through the trees with monkey's bits

    but the rest i liked

  13. #13
    I'm still alive and haven't moved to NH.

    My daughter did make the cut. The scene with Indy on the back of the motorcyle was all filmed on the streets of New Haven and Yale's campus. If you knew where to look, she was in the background for about a mili-second, and in the anti communist rally scene.
    She graduated on Mon. and now joins the ranks of the unemployed........with a Masters in Archaeology from Yale.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
    I'm still alive and haven't moved to NH.

    My daughter did make the cut. The scene with Indy on the back of the motorcyle was all filmed on the streets of New Haven and Yale's campus. If you knew where to look, she was in the background for about a mili-second, and in the anti communist rally scene.
    She graduated on Mon. and now joins the ranks of the unemployed........with a Masters in Archaeology from Yale.

    Very nice - congrats! Glad to you see you back.

  15. #15
    Obscure Rat HOFer Lurker64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1
    Aliens?! Seriously?! Its like they were trying to get a head start on ET 2. After 20 years I expect an entertainment monster like George Lucas to come up with something much better than this.
    Is the existence of Aliens in the Indy-verse any more implausible than "the literal truth of the bible" angle that they took in the first and third movies? Or the magical powers of some rocks in the second film? Of all those things, I find Aliens to be the least implausible.

    I enjoyed the movie quite a bit, though it made me roll my eyes in a few places. I don't agree with your critique quoted above, however.

  16. #16
    My 2nd cousin (David Koepp) is the screenplay writer - and I found out another distant cousin worked on the film too....

    Wish I had an interest working in hollyweird

    I'll see the movie for sure this weekend.

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