View Poll Results: Are you for or against interracial relationship/marriage?

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  • I have no problem with interracial relationship/marriage

    25 71.43%
  • People should not mix race

    1 2.86%
  • What? You still live in the 50's?

    9 25.71%
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Thread: Interracial Relationship/Marriage: Are you for or against it

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Sheep, conservatism gets unfairly assosciated with rascism....don't fall into even addressing that myth.
    You might be right, but it does seem quite strange that most of the racists i've met seem to hold conservative values close to their heart.
    Could it be because conservatives opposed civil rights back in the 1960's?

    I really don't think racism is tied to liberal/conservative thinking anymore.

  2. #22
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Quote Originally Posted by sheepshead
    I have no problem who does what with whom. I just think people should vote on laws, not let judges dictate and interpret them.
    It was only judges interpreting the constitution that ended the miscegenation laws, finally, in the 1960's. If it was left to voters, it would have been illegal for blacks and whites to marry in many states for years to come. Might even still be illegal today. And I'm serious, I doubt the race problems would have been solved yet without our Bill of Rights and Constitution.

    You can't always leave things to the popular will.

    Well, you could, but then we would live in a very different country.
    I still believe in states rights, I dont know where these dorks heads were at back then and we have the benefit of historical perspective. Look, it took Jackie Robinson to break the color barrier. Brothers cant play baseball?? WTF?
    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

  3. #23
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PackFan#1
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarlam!
    Quote Originally Posted by PackFan#1
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarlam!
    Quote Originally Posted by PackFan#1
    Are you saying that it is ok to be racist toward blacks who are influenced by the hip-hop culture?
    Try as you might, but I didn't read what he wrote that way. I think you're pushing shit uphill if you want to claim he's racist based on what he wrote.
    Read again. No one is calling him a racist.
    You called him a racist with your innuendo. I called you on it, now your backing away.
    Wtf? I asked him a question. Did he meant to say that it is ok to have "Negative feelings" toward blacks who dress like gangsta rappers, but it is wrong to have "negative feelings" toward blacks who dress causally?

    Nowhere did i call him a racist.
    OK, I'll answer your question...quote ALL of my words next time. No, I don't mean to say something I didn't say. I don't mean to say something that I actually implied just the opposite of. If you are capable of actually reading what I said and comprehending the meaning you wouldn't have to ask such a stupid question. You are doing exactly what I said pisses me the fuck off which is when any "conservative" so much as tries to discuss race you will grab on to anything you can to imply he is a rascist. And you did imply that.

    By asking that question are you saying it IS ok to hate women...I mean, if you read what I said....mysoginist lyrics....and you seem to have a problem with me having negative feelings towards such an individual I can only conclude you hate women...its so obvious.

    The entire point of my post, which everyone but you seemed to get is that if a person is acting like a punk and you think he is a punk the skin color is irrelavent.

    Let me phrase it another way.

    If a white guy murders your wife and you hate him it doesn't mean you are rascist against white guys.

    Is that clearer? didn't ask about negative asked if I was saying its ok to be a rascist, and now you are backpedalling indeed.

  4. #24
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Sheep, conservatism gets unfairly assosciated with rascism....don't fall into even addressing that myth.
    You might be right, but it does seem quite strange that most of the racists i've met seem to hold conservative values close to their heart.
    Could it be because conservatives opposed civil rights back in the 1960's?

    I really don't think racism is tied to liberal/conservative thinking anymore.

    The bill was sent to the House of Representatives, and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Emmanuel Celler. After a series of hearings on the bill, Celler's committee greatly strengthened the act, adding provisions to ban racial discrimination in employment. The bill was reported out of the Judiciary Committee in November 1963, but was then referred to the Rules Committee, whose chairman, Howard W. Smith, a Democrat from Virginia, indicated his intention to keep the bill bottled up indefinitely
    The bill came before the full Senate for debate on March 30, 1964 and the "Southern Bloc" of southern Senators led by Richard Russell (D-GA) launched a filibuster to prevent its passage. Said Russell "We will resist to the bitter end any measure or any movement which would have a tendency to bring about social equality and intermingling and amalgamation of the races in our (Southern) states."[3]
    On the morning of June 10, 1964, Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) completed an address that he had begun 14 hours and 13 minutes earlier opposing the legislation. Until then, the measure had occupied the Senate for 57 working days, including six Saturdays.
    You mean a high ranking democrat is a rascist and former clansman??
    And FINALLY!!!

    Vote totals
    Totals are in "Yea-Nay" format:

    The original House version: 290-130 (69%-31%)
    The Senate version: 73-27 (73%-27%)
    The Senate version, as voted on by the House: 289-126 (70%-30%)

    [edit] By party
    The original House version:[6]

    Democratic Party: 152-96 (61%-39%)
    Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)
    The Senate version:[6]

    Democratic Party: 46-21 (69%-31%)
    Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)
    The Senate version, voted on by the House:[6]

    Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)
    Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)
    Yep, those conservatives surely are the rascists, its obvious. Like I said, I get pissed right the fuck off by this myth that the democrats have been able to perpetuate after doing everything they could to stop the civil rights bill and then not supporting it as strongly as republicans.

    Harlen, I know you are a fairly smart dude, but the numbers and facts don't lie...only the perception that has been portrayed every since does.

  5. #25
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Sheep, conservatism gets unfairly assosciated with rascism....don't fall into even addressing that myth.
    You might be right, but it does seem quite strange that most of the racists i've met seem to hold conservative values close to their heart.

    Being conservative doesn't mean you are a racist, but about 99% of racists are conservative.

    P.S. I'm talking about being racist, not prejudiced.
    And this is just inflamatory bullshit. First off, I would like you to document the 99% number...oh, you can't, nm. I would like to add that 100% of the
    murderers i have met are liberals. I'm just saying is all.

    Second, not sure where you are hanging out meeting conservative rascists, but I'm not buying it. Personally I haven't gotten to know any rascists long enough to know there political stance...I'm shocked you have.

    Third...see senator byrd above...former clansman...high ranking liberal.

    Finally, I hope you aren't implying people like David Duke are conservatives, he is simply a bigot, and lumping him with conservatives is like lumping the unabomber with liberals.

    BTW, any high ranking republicans former clansmen??

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    I married someone not of my race, take a guess what I think.
    You'll stick to your own kind like mom said next time?

    You're one to talk. We'd be happy enough if you'd stick to the same species for a change.

  7. #27
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    We need this poll? Fuck.....

  8. #28
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Could not care less.

  9. #29
    As for the original question, no big deal one way or the other.

    It would be interesting to how different people even define "interracial marriage", not to mention how they define "racism" and "prejudiced"--which somebody seemed to distinguish one from the other.

    Depending on how you define your terms, you can either snare just about everybody or absolve everybody.

    "I have a dream ......." Anybody read Ol' MLK's speech lately? It sounds like it's right out of the conservative playbook--completely contrary to what the libs are pushing.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by GoPackGo
    Conservatism of today is not the same as conservatism of yesterday. Conservatism of yesterday gets that label for a reason.
    Depends on what your definition of Conservatism is, but I see you are doing the old Democratic trick of trying to associate Conservatives/Republicans with racism.

    A Republican ended slavery. A Republican ended Jim Crow. Republican legislators supported the Civil Rights Movement by a greater percentage than Democratic legislators. Look it up. You are associating the ideals of the pre-60s Southern Democrats (Dixiecrats) with Conservatism.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Sheep, conservatism gets unfairly assosciated with rascism....don't fall into even addressing that myth.
    You might be right, but it does seem quite strange that most of the racists i've met seem to hold conservative values close to their heart.

    Being conservative doesn't mean you are a racist, but about 99% of racists are conservative.

    P.S. I'm talking about being racist, not prejudiced.
    And this is just inflamatory bullshit. First off, I would like you to document the 99% number...oh, you can't, nm. I would like to add that 100% of the
    murderers i have met are liberals. I'm just saying is all.

    Second, not sure where you are hanging out meeting conservative rascists, but I'm not buying it. Personally I haven't gotten to know any rascists long enough to know there political stance...I'm shocked you have.

    Third...see senator byrd above...former clansman...high ranking liberal.

    Finally, I hope you aren't implying people like David Duke are conservatives, he is simply a bigot, and lumping him with conservatives is like lumping the unabomber with liberals.

    BTW, any high ranking republicans former clansmen??
    Document? What kind of stupidity is that? I clearly talked ABOUT MY LIFE. Are you calling me a liar? I lived in the south for 10 plus years and met plenty of racists.

    Perhaps you need to take a little trip to mississippi sometime.

    Who mentioned a political party. Nice strawman. Senator Byrd long ago disavowed his membership. Furthermore, those southern Dems weren't liberals. That would be akin to talking about republicans in the 1800s and comparing them to today's republicans. Get serious.

    More to the point, liberal isn't a synonym for Dem..any more than conserv is for repub.

    Take some time to think before you post. I clearly said that being conservative doesn't mean you are racist, but most if not all the racists i've met are conservative...both socially, religously, culturally, economically, etc.

    As for KKK republicans...again, strawman. THe kkk was founded to intimidate blacks and white supporters of the repub party. However, you know that party isn't the same as today's.

    More importantly, ONLY ONE KNOWN KLAN MEMBER IS KNOW TO HAVE SERVED IN THE FEDERAL GOV'T. So, you just look foolish bringing up Byrd..who joined at age 24 and has publicly renounced his involvement. But, let's all talk about something that he disavowed over 50 years ago.

    But, if you want, we can play that game. Yes, i would consider Gov. Ed Jackson of Indiana high ranking, as would Benjamin Stapleton as mayor of Denver and Clarence Morley as governor of Colorado.

    As for Duke, he ran AS A REPUBLICAN FOR GOV of LA. And, he beat out Treen who was endorsed by Pres. Bush...speaks volumes.

    Or should we forget that jesse helms ran for prez on a strict segregationist platform...not a klansmen, but definitely repub.

  12. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Sheep, conservatism gets unfairly assosciated with rascism....don't fall into even addressing that myth.
    You might be right, but it does seem quite strange that most of the racists i've met seem to hold conservative values close to their heart.

    Being conservative doesn't mean you are a racist, but about 99% of racists are conservative.

    P.S. I'm talking about being racist, not prejudiced.
    And this is just inflamatory bullshit.
    One sentence sums up "Tyrone's" posts so accurately. I've met conservative racists, liberal racists (lots of union member types and inner city folks that would classify themselves as Democrats), and black racists (lots of them in the inner city also). All about equally. History shows which party has advanced black causes more. Of course, Democrats get the glory from MSM--mostly because of entitlement programs.

  13. #33
    BTW, this is a stupid poll.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by HarveyWallbangers
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Sheep, conservatism gets unfairly assosciated with rascism....don't fall into even addressing that myth.
    You might be right, but it does seem quite strange that most of the racists i've met seem to hold conservative values close to their heart.

    Being conservative doesn't mean you are a racist, but about 99% of racists are conservative.

    P.S. I'm talking about being racist, not prejudiced.
    And this is just inflamatory bullshit.
    One sentence sums up "Tyrone's" posts so accurately. I've met conservative racists, liberal racists (lots of union member types and inner city folks that would classify themselves as Democrats), and black racists (lots of them in the inner city also). All about equally. History shows which party has advanced black causes more. Of course, Democrats get the glory from MSM--mostly because of entitlement programs.
    As usual, you conflate being liberal with being a democrat. Being democrat doesn't mean you are a liberal.

    I freely admit that there are prejudiced people of all political persuasions, but racism is quite a bit different than being prejudiced.

    I rarely have met a black person who thinks blacks are a superior race.

  15. #35
    Some would say that the most vile racism is picturing minorities as incapable of competing in life without affirmative action and a myriad of liberal social programs to give them an advantage. Conversely, the clearest example of equality--as articulated by Martin Luther King, is merely leveling the playing field--and making the assumption that minorities are no different than anybody else in their desire not to be taxed to death or have intrusive government get in their business.

    Some might also call it racist to take for granted the vote of a particular minority--delivered at about a 90% rate wrapped up and tied with a pink bow by the black leaders/overseers of the liberal plantation, and then for that party to blatantly fly in the face of that minority population on moral issues--not to mention taxation, defense, and security.

    Let's see what our elitist government-loving, abortion-loving, gay agenda pushing Dem/libs have to say about this.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by HarveyWallbangers
    BTW, this is a stupid poll.
    I don't see the "I don't give a fuck what they do" option...
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  17. #37
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns

    As usual, you conflate being liberal with being a democrat. Being democrat doesn't mean you are a liberal.

    I freely admit that there are prejudiced people of all political persuasions, but racism is quite a bit different than being prejudiced.

    I rarely have met a black person who thinks blacks are a superior race.
    Ok, I'll play your game.

    As usual, you conflate being rascist with being a conservative. And just cuz David Duke runs as a republican does not make him a conservative...he is a bigot and any member of the party would say so. His assosciation with the party is a disgrace, but you can't push a guy out who wins a nomination fair and square.

    I have met several black people who think blacks are a superior race...Dennis Rodman comes to mind immediately. Cris Carter said when he sees a white guy lineup across from him he assumes he is an inferior athlete.

    And I too will freely admit that there are rascists and bigots in every walk of life and its not fair, but it is equally unfair to make ANY connection with being a conservative or a liberal.

    BTW, you said "Being conservative doesn't mean you are a racist, but about 99% of racists are conservative. " I guess in line with the rest of the post, you meant in your experience, but as a seperate paragraph I didn't read it that way. I can say in all honesty of the 5 co-workers I have ever had show rascist tendencies (in my eyes) 3 were liberals and 2 were conservatives. One was a socialist liberal and he was the most openly rascist of the group.

    I have been to mississippi and all over the south and pretty much the US at different times, and I guess no matter what you and I throw back and forth.....assosciating conservative and rascist pisses me the fuck off and always will.

    I could go on and on about G. Ferarro saying things a conservative would get crucified for but you won't ever understand my side of this issue(and maybe I'll never understand yours). I'm a white guy without a rascist bone in my body, but I get the snide remarks/accusations and shit like that anytime it can even be remotely construed as an issue. PackFan#1 did it within this very post. Harlen still thinks it was democrats who brought on civil rights despite all evidence to the contrary. There is nothing a white guy can do short of pulling a jerry mcguire. Well here goes:


  18. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    Harlen, I know you are a fairly smart dude.
    I liked the sound of that, thought I'd emphasize it.

    Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
    but the numbers and facts don't lie...only the perception that has been portrayed every since does.
    when I said "conservatives" opposed civil rights in the 60's, I was including the southern Dixiecrats.

  19. #39
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    Some might also call it racist to take for granted the vote of a particular minority--delivered at about a 90% rate wrapped up and tied with a pink bow by the black leaders/overseers of the liberal plantation, and then for that party to blatantly fly in the face of that minority population on moral issues--not to mention taxation, defense, and security.
    Harlan was all for that gift until it went to the black dude instead of the wife of the first black president. Now he's outraged.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  20. #40
    There's the word conservative, but it's different than the political term. Conservative to me is someone who believes in individual freedoms, state's rights, small government, etc. By individual freedom, it's not so much freedom of speech and the like, but the freedom to succeed or fail based on one's own choices and initiative (without the government either helping or hindering the process much). There should be a safety net for those that truly need it, but it should be a small one. A safety net that is too big breeds citizens that are unmotivated. With individual freedom comes individual responsibility.

    I think the conservatives you speak of paint themselves as a conservative when their politics aren't anything like what a true conservative is. To me, a true conservative has a lot of liberatarian ideals.

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