Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
Quote Originally Posted by Zool
Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
what do you call this? I call it crap. and why don't you stop lecturing people on the other side of the argument? MOVE ON. Most people are sick of it.
So essentially you're trying to tell 7 what she can and cannot post? Is that really your job here? Can I tell you to stop posting shit? If I do will you listen?
Bitter07 made a long speech calling Favre critics assholes & bashers. She capped her comments with some ironic advice for Favre critics to get over their anger. Then the ridiculous claim of victim status, persecution for supporting Favre.

It is September, the Favre trauma is now a month in the past. If Favre fans want to carry on an argument with imaginary "bashers" into winter, and maybe through 2010, 2011, they can continue shadow boxing. And I will call them fools.

At least Woody is honest and open about his rage.
You know, you are really full of shit. If you don't like what I write, skip it. In the words of skinbasket (and although I don't like to see it repeatedly) go F yourself. .
go F myself? my, my. I think I will not skip it when you whine about the abusive treatment of Favre sniffers, when you're obviously the Keeper of the Revenge. And I'll ignore the snipes by the gents in shining armor who defend you because you're just a girl.

Actually you are one of my favorite people in the forum, my barbs are not a personal thing against you. It's just the matter of Favre where you are whacked out. In the head, to be specific.