Quote Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
I wondered if this thread would be resurrected as the news has recently broken that it seems ol' Brent was pestering the Gubnuh of Mississippi to connect him with someone who could get him funds to help build a volleyball facility at the college (I think it's a college) where his daughter plays volleyball. The Gubnuh directed him to - wait for it - the a department in charge of welfare funds. Brent secured some welfare funds to get the volleyball facility built for his daughter. He apparently was worried about the media finding out - and they did.

I don't want this to be a political thing about welfare funds and how they were used. I just wanted to note that ol' Brent continues to struggle in retirement. I think he was a way more messed-up guy than his aw shucks demeanor from years ago suggested, and even more messed-up than even the adult man-child sending dick pics to a hot reporter who looked kinda like his wife.

Ouch, Brent.
Don't sweat it Fritz. I think the one thing EVERYONE on every side of the isle agrees on is that the government loves to waste money.

On another note, the only real reason to bump this thread was for the pictures of Drew.