From PFT:

Posted by Mike Florio on October 24, 2008, 8:40 p.m.

Before the other day, we used to receive on a semi-regular basis e-mails from ESPN’s P.R. department touting upcoming shows and other assorted stuff that they wanted people in the media (and us) to know about.

On Friday, another ESPN P.R. e-mail was distributed. But, this time around, we weren’t on the list.

A member of the media forwarded to us the e-mail hyping the next episode of ESPN’s E:60, which will include an exclusive interview with Mrs. Brett Lorenzo Favre.

Hyped as the “first national television interview by Deanna Favre (wife of NFL legendary quarterback Brett Favre) since her husband was traded from the Green Bay Packers to the New York Jets,” it’s the first item mentioned on the list of show subjects.

So did ESPN’s handling this week of the controversial story regarding the subject of the interview’s husband had anything to do with the exclusive access ESPN received to Mrs. Favre? Though we think the truth is much more complex than that, we wouldn’t be shocked to learn that it was at least a factor in the business considerations that should never arise when making journalistic decisions.