Quote Originally Posted by Just Jeff View Post
OK, I'll fess up. I met tank at a Cabrito roast in Nuevo Vallarta. I hated our former QB and I had strong feelings for Ted. After drinking shots of tequila, in the colors of the Mexican flag, I lost track of almost 6 months time. When I can to my senses (albeit limited) Farve was on the Vikings and my predilections had changed. For that I am sorry. My sexual compass had been distorted too, and I placed fatheads of Favre in many inapropriate places. I can't explain my epiphany and during lucid moments, I can see my confusion and the fact that the Favre haters are correct and that I'm wrong. I travel to the same place in Mexico, each year, it the hopes of finding my way back from my delusional journey. But unlike Josh Baskin, I have not found my Zoltar and it pains me daily.
I'm trying to imagine a high grade tequila drink layered ..... Green and White and Red.

Barrtenderrr...Ahhhalll hab annnutherrrr.