My Facebook tribute to Brett Favre and in something more than in a flash (it took Favre and his body of work ...9 seconds to be voted in) as a first ballot NFL HOFer:

I'm so pleased for Brett Favre and his Family and closest friends and for all Packer fans that remained dedicated to Brett Favre 'the most outstanding of Football players'. Favre was the Gunslinger and the toughest man in Pro Sports. A QB who simply wanted to contribute to his teams ultimate goal. To know he was appreciated as the man behind Center that would make the difference in terms of his teams Ultimate goal and winning a Super Bowl. Brett Favre was the leader who wore his heart on his sleeve and took too much blame on himself after a Green Bay Packer defeat. Bret Favre was `Mr. Excitement and showed us many spectacular plays and comebacks. Brett Favre was unselfish and too often when his team was in the Red Zone didn`t hog the glory but handed off to the Packer RB to rush for `Six. I`m impressed that Favre's getting tremendous fan support and most so EXCITED that he was swept into the NFL HOF when his name was called in `ONLY 9 seconds`. A real tribute for the unique QB that we saw play and enjoy each and every game. There never has been and never will be again; a Pro athlete play a position that demands absolute toughness and meet the call of the bell as many times as Brett Favre did. Mr Brett Favre ....there are not enough superlatives to describe how he represented who he was playing a demanding position as an NFL Starting QB. Brett Favre...we loved him because Brett Favre was something better than we`ve ever enjoyed as Sports fans. I often said. ```I`m Brett Favre`s BEST most dedicated, most appreciative and loyal fan `` NO ! LOL I may only declare a tie as his most dedicated or BEST fan. Brett Favre has a Legion ...1000`s of great and supportive fans. Now this is personal LOL ...I LOVE YOU Brett Favre. I`d love too meet you. Go hunting with you. I`m just so very pleased for you Sir. Brett, njoy your induction into the NFL HOF with everything you`ve got and Mr. Favre you always had so much to give...give...and give some more* I salute you Mr. Brett Favre and THANKS for all the thrills...all the awesome memories. Just one more thing.....GO PACKERS ! GO PACK GO ! Brett go to a Packer fan forum and see the thread started by Packerrat member, Moob Deep RE: YOU. I dare say (claim) it`s in the running for or already is ...the biggest Forum Thread on the Internet. I`m woodbuck27 on Packerrats. I`m your dedicated fan and you didn`t know this...I`m your FRIEND. I`m also very pleased for your lovely wife Deanna and your daughters. Your immediate Family....and I know their so proud....They certainly deserve to be. THANKS Again Brett Favre, With Maximum Respect, my name and ............ woodbuck27