texaspackerbacker wrote:
On the most significant point above, Obama's claim of cutting taxes for 95% of the people, the HUGE reason why that simply is NOT true is because his figure begins at a point AFTER he fails to renew the Bush tax cuts--which in effect, is a LARGE tax increase. Yeah, maybe after taking THAT kind of a bite out of people's incomes, maybe 95% get a little bit back. The even MORE significant point is that even Obama admits that his program is a net TAX INCREASE--in other words, his sinister redistribution of wealth away from upper income people outweighs what he intends to give back on the lower end--even if you disregard his nonrenewal of the Bush Tax cuts. Thus, his program amounts to same ol' same ol'--liberal TAX AND SPEND crap.

MadScientist responded:
Just which current tax cuts for individuals earning under $200000 ($250000 for families) are set to expire that will not be renewed? Factcheck is usually good at pointing out inconsistencies like that, and they haven't. As for tax and spend, at least it's more responsible than the republican BORROW (from China, and Saudi Arabia) AND SPEND. Personally I'd prefer if Obama's plan had no or much reduced tax breaks for the $75K-$250K range, with that money set to work towards balancing the budget and paying down the debt.

Texaspackerbacker responds back:
In order to get the Bush tax cuts past the Democrats in Congress, Republicans had to agree to time limits of 2009/2010. The whole thing--which basically amounts to across the board cuts--will end within the next couple of years unless Congress--which is now heavily Democrat and likely to get worse that way--takes positive action to extend them.

Based on your words, MS, it sounds like you are even more extreme of a tax and spend leftist than Obama. Even though the NET EFFECT of Obama NOT renewing the Bush tax cuts and pushing his own plan would benefit nowhere near the 95% he claims, at least his "cuts" would be a minor positive for growth. They WOULD be if not for the fact that the amount subtracted due to his cuts is greatly outweighed by the amount added in his massive redistribution of wealth scheme--confiscating much more of the income of people in the higher income ranges. So even if you disregard his NOT extending the Bush tax cuts, Obama's program STILL is a net tax INCREASE instead of a cut.