Quote Originally Posted by Partial
whats a good field to go into in terms of money for a long period of time? My understand is that engineers get laid off around 50 due to A. overqualifying themselves, B. younger, smarter prospects for significantly cheaper available
I'd highly suggest finding something that interests you first and let the money follow suit. There's nothing to gain in making tons of cash if you hate your life (consider that you'll spend probably 50-60 hrs/wk). Also remember that you'll probably change jobs/careers 4-6 X's in your life - so you probably don't know what you'll be yet

As far as good long-term industries, engineers do pretty well (most of my college roomies were EE, CE or ME) but you need to have that specific degree. Looks like the US is quickly moving towards a more service based economy so I'd say look for something in healthcare or technology - IMO.