Quote Originally Posted by bobblehead
Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
Polygamy, I don't know, could be because they wind up with pressure for very young girls to marry old men, but that's just what I've seen in the ones that make the news. Otherwise, if women choose to marry up and are ok sharing, what do I care? Incest is illegal because it produces offspring with genetic problems such as hemophilia, and though we're joking about the horse, really how do you get consent from an animal? If the animal doesn't want it, and interspecies relations are uncommon to say the least, how can you think that that sheep is ok with ol' Murphy? Then it just becomes a cruelty to animals charge.

Homosexuals, however can and often do consent. They have physical differences from straight men, namely enlargements of the hypothalamus. Are you suggesting that they choose to have enlarged hypothalami?
so...if genetic testing allows for aborting "flawed" babies then you are ok with incest? If someone wants to marry their sister its cool with you? I'm just asking, not arguing mind you. What about someone like sarah palin who has no problem raising a handicapped child, should she be not allowed to marry her brother? Wait a minute, what is wrong with having a handicapped child anyway and why should we try and avoid it. I have made the case that gays should be allowed a union, but not to adopt, would you agree with me then, or is it ok for gays to adopt, but not ok for a couple to have children if they have a higher chance of having a downs syndrome baby.

How about autism...if you have an autistic kid the odds are MUCH higher that the second child would be autistic. Should couples with autistic children be not allowed to have more children...the odds are actually higher for that than a brother sister having a retarded child. I'm just asking mind you.
Downs syndrome isn't the issue, it's hemopilia, which has a funny tendency to make the child bleed to death from routine little cuts. I don't think it has a genetic test (though admittedly I could be wrong on that).

I am also not for aborting babies with defects. That decision lies with the parents alone. I am not speaking to my views on incest, merely stating why the law against it was instituted in the first place. Remember royal families used to intermarry all the time--with predictable results.

And you can't compare a disease like hemophilia which kills people to a disease like autism which doesn't.