I'm throwing my support in that direction as of now, rather than to Sarah Palin.

Palin was effectively "Dan Quayle"ed by the leftist assholes of the mainstream media, along with, apparently, some of the McCain "moderates". She probably is damaged goods. Likely, her best future course, like another famous female on the other side, is to have a career in the Senate. If/when Ted Stevens resigns or is expelled from the Senate, Palin can appoint herself to fill his term--which just began.

Back to Jindal, I honestly don't know too much about him--really just three very relevant facts: He is young and attractive--which apparently means a lot these days; He did a good competent job in this year's hurricane season--in stark contrast to his predecessor; And probably most importantly, Rush Limbaugh was an early supporter of his--solidifying his conservative credentials in my book.

Hopefully, Jindal has up to now and will continue to keep his nose clean--something apparently rare in Louisiana politics.

Hopefully he will be THE ONE to bring down THAT ONE.