I love this article, it epitomizes everything I believe in one article. I know most of you don't want to read a lengthy news article but this is beautiful.

It involves:

*Peeople dismissing a guy due to his education even though their own computer models back him up.

*A private sector guy solving a problem the gov't can't/hasn't (for a micron of the price)

*A guy who basically says that CO2 isn't causing our planet to overheat and then backing it up with science and THEIR OWN computer models only to be mocked by the so called gov't experts.

*A guy who is offering a solution that won't cripple the economy and will cost potentially UNDER a billion a year AND IS BACKED BY THE EXPERTS COMPUTER MODELS. This of course pisses off all the "experts and politicians" because they can't get rich and powerful off controlling the world through a faux manmade global warming crisis.

One of the best reads I've encountered in a long time.