Do you realize how many contradictions were built into those three paragraphs of yours?

First of all, what you may think about abortion is irrelevant--to use your pet word. It is the fact that your seem to think that Palin would turn off other women because of her beliefs and positions--anti-abortion being one, but far from the most significant of those. The women stereotyping themselves by succumbing to leftist propaganda--whether or not you are one of them--are far from a large majority if they are a majority at all.

Who said Palin's gender has anything to do with her "ability as a politician"? It might have a small amount to do with the electability side of being a politician, but thanks to the effectiveness of the leftist propaganda machine on at least a large minority of women, her gender will be far less of a benefit than Obama's race, for example, which came through to the tune of 95%+ for him--many with views and values completely contrary to Obama's. Your citing of Condoleeza Rice only serves to confirm the fantastic ability of the leftist media to overcome both gender and race in her case with propaganda and downright malicious demagoguery. If she was nothing more than an ambitious hypocrite, she could have signed on as aDemocrat and basically written her own ticket to the heights of success. Instead, she get pissed on and disrespected for her decent heartfelt pro-American viewpoints.

What possessed you to bring up the subject of unemployment compensation? That's one "liberal" program I am in favor of--perhaps you'll recall my going around and around with Howard, Bobblehead, and others over the benefit of government injecting money into the economy. It's the raising of taxes to "pay for it"--a completely bogus concept--that I'm against.

You would actually ask which of Palin's positions are pro-American? If you can't figure that out, then you are even more a victim of your side's propaganda than I thought. Using American sources of oil; not tearing down our economy and lifestyle over the myth of manmade global warming, keeping the American military strong and using it overseas to prevent terrorism against Americans at home, not overtaxing Americans to pay for a myriad of regulation and programs that ultimately drag this country down, unabashedly supporting traditional American values and Judeo-Christian heritage against the onslaught of multiculturalist and moral equivalency crap, I could go on, but I hope you get the picture--even though I doubt you agree--which would just be a sign that you are on the wrong side of most or all of those issues.

The governor of a state--the geographically largest and most natural resource-rich of all the states is "COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT" in your opinion? And I suppose a spoiled debutante from a leftist political family is not irrelevant? Or a hack state legislator with roots in a corrupt politcal machine that never did anything else except be a community organizer i.e. person who stirs up trouble in the ghetto--is not irrelevant?

How transparently hypocritical can you be?

As for Sarah's "wink and smile", I wouldn't care if she looked like Janet Reno if she stood for the right things. Reality, however, dictates that appearance does mean something in terms of electability--which makes it what? Relevant.