Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
The governor of a state--the geographically largest and most natural resource-rich of all the states is "COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT" in your opinion? And I suppose a spoiled debutante from a leftist political family is not irrelevant? Or a hack state legislator with roots in a corrupt politcal machine that never did anything else except be a community organizer i.e. person who stirs up trouble in the ghetto--is not irrelevant?
Interesting. Sarah Palin is the governor of a state with 600K people in it. My neighborhood has almost that many. Caroline Kennedy is completely irrelevant unless she is given that seat, yes. Obama, however is not irrelevant. He is your new President. He is very relevant and will remain so for the next eight years and beyond.

Condoleeza Rice used intelligence, wit and grace to rise into the position she did. I admire her and anyone who can do the same. Janet Reno would have done well in the elected political arena.
Yeah, Janet Reno would have done well BECAUSE THE ROTTEN LEFTIST MAINSTREAM MEDIA WOULD HAVE GLORIFIED HER INSTEAD OF CONDEMNED HER--do you actually not understand that?

Condoleeza used intelligence, wit, and grace to deal with the horrible hateful and often racist crap put out against her by the leftist mainstream media. I hate to even think of how she would have been trashed if she had actually run for president.

The point with Obama was that he was hoisted from rank irrelevancy--far more irrelevant than Palin--by the elitist leftist media. Now, hell yeah, for better or worse, he is damn relevant--and we will all suffer for it.

And you STILL are so hypocritical as to dismiss the position of governor of Alaska as irrelevant?