Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
Well, the Post is none too fond of her...

That's not "the Post." That is Charles Krauthammer's op-ed.

The second one, Kathleen Parker's article, is more of the same elite, inside-the-Beltway snobbery. I'm disappointed you agree with it.

The elites' bit about Sarah Palin, the stupid hick from Alaska, is pure bunk. They acknowledge her popularity, her accomplishments, etc.,....but they don't like her because "she's not one of us."

Caroline Kennedy, on the other hand, has done nothing compared to Palin, but she's "sophisticated," had the right upcoming, gone to the right schools and belongs to the club. That about sums it up.

The Kathleen Parkers of the world are the phoney ones. Double-standards all around. They don't evaluate people on their merits. They simply favor those who are most like them.

MJZ, why do you buy into their nonsense?