Quote Originally Posted by MadScientist
Quote Originally Posted by sheepshead
Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
Actually, I have exactly and precisely the same thought as when Sarah Palin was announced. I don't have enough information to make a decision.

My feelings for Sarah grew over time....

Don't give me that Kennedy BS either. I'm no big fan of Ted. Then again senator is not quite the same as VP behind a president that is 72 and has had multiple cancers either.
Here's a more accurate bio than sheepdip spin:

Her qualifications are not outstanding, but they are not non-existant for a senator. She also has a lot of characteristics that are useful for a senator - name recognition, political contacts, fundraising experience, and a personal fortune.

However, I'm not particularly in favor of her getting appointed, as I don't like dynasty political families (Kennedy, Clinton, and worst of all Bush).
ok dickhead-if we're resorting to name calling-where's the job? I don't see one. You know, a J-O-B where you show up someplace. Have assigned duties maybe, heaven forbid some responsibilities. Learn how to spell, keep the name calling to yourself and get a damn clue asshole.

[name recognition, political contacts, fundraising experience, and a personal fortune.]

You are a moron.