It sounds like Ziggy is trying to kill the thread--rather than have it get back to a discussion of Sarah Palin, her qualifications, and the treatment of her, compared to Caroline Kennedy and the same about her. That comparison, of course, was my reason for starting this thread in the first place.

The sick and horrific media double standard is the bottom line of this discussion, just as it is with so many discussions.

As I have said, I really don't give a shit whether pathetic Caroline gets appointed or not, as coming out of the political cesspool known as New York, the alternatives (Andrew Cuomo?) would be as bad or worse--and probably more effective at being bad for America than the inept Caroline would be.

The real point is that there is a strong chance America will have had a belly full of Barak Obama by four years from now. Sarah Palin would be a strong prospect to step in as a popular alternative--unless the leftist mainstream media can quash her chances early on.

Ziggy obviously is the primary irrational Palin-hater in here--as hypocritical as that is for a liberal woman.