If you can find Boont Amber Ale east of the Mississippi you should feel lucky. This California Amber Ale is awesome. Its at the top of my list and in my Fridge right now.

Boont Amber Ale  just won the  Silver Medal   at the  2003 Great American Beer Festival  , in the American-Style Amber/Red Ale category, has several other medals  , as well, and was named the "best beer brewed in Northern California," by the San Francisco Bay Guardian.

Boont Amber Ale is a medium bodied pale ale with a beatiful copper color, a robust head, and the rich flavor of caramel malt. This very smooth and exceptionally drinkable beer is excellent with steaks, chicken, pasta, and other flavorful meals.

As with all of our products, Boont Amber Ale is never sterile filtered nor heat pasteurized, and should be stored in refrigeration. However, to fully enjoy its rich and complex flavor, it should be served between 40° and 45°F

5.8 % Alcohol by Volume

"It's bahl hornin'."