With so many different people on this forum, wondering if anyone here practices any forms of Alternative Medicine? I'm not so much talking about the really radical stuff, but more so the natural methods for healing/health care.

A guy I have worked with for many years is always trying new stuff when he hears about it. He's completely into the organic foods. There are a couple things he's tried...alternative medicine preventative care that I thought were really off the wall, but the majority of the stuff he tells me about makes sense health-wise. He's 62 years old and doesn't look a day over 50. Actually, if he hadn't gotten gray hair early he'd look late 40's. He's never out of the office sick and I seriously can't even remember the last time he even had a cold. I can't help but think some of this stuff must be helping.

His latest thing is "oil pulling".
The practice of oil pulling apparently is a time-honoured tradition in parts of the world (I think originated in India). Oil pulling therapy simply consists in thoroughly sloshing certain types of commonly found oil in the mouth for up to 20 minutes. This practice is said to draw toxins & destroy natural mouth germs while stimulating the body's eliminatory system and increasing metabolism, thus leading to improved health and the conquering of disease.
Anyone practice this or even heard of it? The benefits listed go from gums/teeth to things like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and some forms of cancer in respect to preventative care as well as healing.

Just curious.