Hope and Change? - Strike 1. Improving America's image in the world? - Strike 2.

The Bush Administration had the War on Terror all wrong according to Obama and crew.

Therefore, Obama's first executive order was the closing of Gitmo in preparing to move the detainees ("enemy combatants") to the United States to ensure that they will enjoy the legal protections afforded to U.S. citizens and get a fair trial. This move outraged some 9/11 family members who have been waiting over 7 years for justice, especially since several of the 9/11 plotters have admitted their role and want to be executed.

The message: Terrorist rights trump the rights of American citizens for justice?

That same day, and then yesterday, Obama apparently okayed drone strikes on targets in Pakistan.

18 people were killed.... without a trial. Were they terrorists? We can't know for sure because they never had a trial. Their crimes were never proved in a court of law. Where was their due process?

The confessed 9/11 plotters could be found innocent in the U.S. courts while possibly innocent muslims are being wantonly killed on President Obama's orders.

And what about the death of innocent bystanders? What harm had villagers done to the U.S.?

("The first attack Friday took place in the village of Zharki in North Waziristan, when a single drone fired three missiles in the space of 10 minutes, the security officials said. The missiles destroyed two buildings, killing 10 people, at least five of whom were foreign militants, the officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media. Hours later, a second missile struck a house in South Waziristan, killing eight people, the officials said, giving no more details." http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090123/D95T436O0.html)

Wouldn't Senator Obama have opposed such military tactics just a short time ago if carried out under President Bush? How does killing muslim innocents improve America's image in the world?

The Pakistanis aren't too thrilled. They responded with protests. Hope and Change? What Hope? What Change?

Obama has criticized Israel for the death of civilians in Gaza. Is it okay now for the Israelis to criticize President Obama for the death of innocents in Pakistan?