No you're just the mysterious stranger that blows into town to agree with anything Partial says, who appeared right around the time his account was being suspended, who uses the same mannerisms and emoticons, and keeps the same hours he does. The guy who's only posted in the Lost thread or to make comments about myself or nutz. If you're not Partial, you should be worried, because no one wants to end up like Partial.

So in case you're just someone who really likes Partial and happens to be the only person in the world that thinks like him, I'll tell you what I told him. Take the opportunity of new ownership to make a fresh start that doesn't include personal insults. No one here is interested in reading that garbage anymore and while I've been guilty of it in the past, I won't engage such dim witted behavior anymore. All it leads to is either someone posting a bunch of shit they would never back up in real life or threatening to post personal information of posters. Grow up [Partial].