Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
Let's make one more thing clear now that not Partial's brought it up again. I didn't revoke Madtown's usage of the artwork I did as a result of "hurt feelings" as both Administrator and not Partial have claimed. I allowed Madtown to use something I produced, free of charge and without condition. We had other simple business level agreements that were never realized, but at the end of the day, the loan of the artwork was a business agreement - for the betterment of the site, as I gained nothing financially or otherwise from the loan.

When Madtown felt the need to constantly abuse, belittle, and insult me on this forum and decided to take actions that I felt was not in the best interest of the forum was when I decided that what was already a one-sided arrangement in his favor was no longer in my interest. He tried to weasel around it by changing the image - a childish effort that I chose not to call him on because again, it served no purpose other than giving him another reason to rail against me.
Lets be really clear about one thing, what I was told is that you contributed artwork at the beginning of this forum. I was told by Madtown Packer that he believed you gave it to him. Later, the privilege of using those gifts was revoked.

Since you described it as a "loan" above, obviously my interpretation of the situation was and is correct. To the outsider, which I am, it certainly appears your feeling are hurt and continue to be, and I think that's also pretty clear, denials notwithstanding. I'm not getting into the middle of it, as it doesn't have anything to do with me, I'll just make clear that I'm not interested in a "loan" of contributions to a website.

From my perspective, logos and graphics become associated with the site they are used on, and I don't want to build a site around something that could disappear depending on how someone feels at some point in the future. I find it almost impossible to believe that Madtown Packer would not believe the same thing, and am confident that he used the graphics with the belief that they were given to him.

Aaron12odgers is clearly someones incarnation here, and is not a unique person. I am convinced he is of the same incarnation as cornholio is/was and he can join cornholio and talk about the packers elsewhere.

Whomever is "incarnating" these folks will join them when it becomes clear who they are. Time always settles these things, in the meanwhile, I'll just remind everyone that multiple user names are not permitted here by popular vote of the forum, I'm told.