Hey Tank, what have been up to? Campaigning to get guns banned? Well keep on trucking my man. Its good to have something to be passionate about, and it is important to try and make change. One never changed anything just sitting on the couch smoking dope. It is really nice to see that a young person like yourself being dedicated to a cause, I might not agree with the cause but, hey I respect it.

I also want you to know that I am also a John Lennon and Beatle fan. I respect him a lot and what he stood for. He was a good man. Did you know that John was a househusband? Thats right John Lennon stayed at home with his child and took care of the home while Yoko Ono went out to create and make art for a living. It was men like John Lennon that gave me the strength and security to do what I am doing.

I know you just bring that up to give me a hard time because I know tha in the past I have given you the business a time or two, but hey its my life you know?

Remember Tank,

"When I hold you in my arms and I feel my finger on your trigger I know no one can do me no harm because happiness is a warm gun."
John Lennon