Quote Originally Posted by woodbuck27

Many Packer fans have and will continue to observe and enjoy Brett Favre's success's. The bottom line. Favre was pushed out of Green Bay and unfortunately for Packer fortunes as his career winds down he ended up in Minnesota. I have Packer fan friends that still have a keen interest in him and applaud his dramatic leadership ands success this season.

It concerns me that the Commissioner of this forum ( Zool ) holds such prejudice to actually get inflamed over a thread with any reference to Brett Favre. It concerns me that others would entertain such severe censorship. If we decide that everything Favre should be contained in one thread? Will that decesion apease the censors, the drama Kings and haters on this forum? I think not!

What Packerrats needs is a purging of all posters that have made this forum what we feel so much in evidence today and to realize that existed long before the Green Bay Packers and Brett Favre parted ways. This is a Green Bay Packers forum and that should be the primary focus of the majority of threads here.

In no way should the censors and drama Kings be allowed to dominate and make Packerrats an uncomfortable place to visit and then have to put up with the bullies alternative that we go elsewhere.

Get rid of the real problem. The insane bullies.
It is always disturbing to read someone lambasting censorship requests, only to then state that posters should be censored.

Must be that old saying, "it's only censorship if I disagree with it"