Quote Originally Posted by Patler
Apparently I have morphed from being Hawk-like to being Favre-like!

Maybe I should just retire? I don't know, I really can't imagine myself posting anywhere else. I would hate to have to learn all the rules, regulations and procedures at a new site. Why should I, at my age. If they ever bring in a new, young hot-shot poster, I'll just retire. I certainly don't want to stay too long, when I become just a rambling old fan living in the past. I would rather go out knowing I still had intelligent comments to make.

I don't know what to do. This is just so hard!

Scott Campbell would like to thank Patler and his family for his considerable contributions to this site over the years, and wishes him well in all future endeavors.

And now I am done talking about this with all you meatballs. If anyone has any further questions on the matter I can be reached through Ari Fleischer.