First, I agree that losing Finley was a huge deal, you really can't underestimate how important a field-stretching TE is. You think Chicago would be cool with losing Olsen? And even though our youngsters have played well, it is hard to imagine the strain this has put on the coaching staff, who have to focus not just on scehme but also on whether the latest noob knows what the heck he's supposed to do.

I also agree that I will have a hard time seeing the good in this season if the Pack lose to the Bears. In part, because it's the friggin' Bears, but in larger part because I don't see the Bears as worthy. They just haven't earned it.

So if the Pack makes it and loses to either the Steelers or the Jets in the SB, I'm bummed but cool, because those are two very worthy opponents who have fought and beaten some tough hombres to get there (The Pats had to endure 3 games against the Ravens D!The Jets did 3 games against Hoodie!).

The Bears, as others have noted, have pretty much lucked out their whole season. So I don't care what happens in the SB, but I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE TO THE BEARS!