As many people know, I am no where near a Thompson supporter. I think he picked up some good players but also passed on some that could have gotten us here sooner. In the end, the defense was the difference and to me that's a problem.

Despised the love of the media for Mathews, our defense has been consistent. Our offense, inconsistent as they come. I don't recall Favre ever posting a sub 70 passer rating winning a playoff game. I do recall many, and I mean many people blaming Favre for playoff loses for performances better than Rodgers today.

Too bad there are people still blaming Favre for the 2007 loss. Many of them now sporting big chubbbies that we are in the super bowl. It's time to movement from Favre but if I see any more idiots claimed Rodgers is god and Favre sucked, I will be all over them like white on rice.

It's a team game and this TEAM made it.

Let the bashing commence...