Quote Originally Posted by Lurker64 View Post
I still think that Liuget is really unsuited to playing 5-tech in our defense (though he'd be a great 3-tech for a 4-3 team, but he just isn't long). If you wanted the top 5-tech available, I'd say Iowa's Ballard but he didn't make it on the poll.

Keep in mind, however, that our average number of defensive linemen on the field last year was about 2.25, and we have Raji and Neal for the 2, and so we just need .25 of a player plus rotation.

Well, if they took Ingram it would mean they would cut Grant before the season. That's not something I'd like to see.

If enough guys give Ballard a write in vote, he will win. But the poll only allows me 10 options.