Quote Originally Posted by retailguy View Post
Yup, there's a lot here to find fault with.

The pic you posted was the homepage issued with Vbulletin. Once we figured out how to operate it, those canned stories got removed and replaced with actual articles. But, the homepage wasn't the priority, nor was the garbage can, which took weeks to figure out. Sometimes change is painful. This software was very different than the old stuff was. some stuff was easier to figure out and some of it wasn't. In this case, we used the furnished articles to get the layout right and then we put up our content.

Hope you didn't have to unblock me to read this, but if you did, I understand.

Actually, I blocked you because we were like oil and water there for a while and it made sense just not to read your posts. My admiration for you has gone way up - you tried to help a friend in need, even though you were technically outmatched. If only you could have found (still could find?) some techie help, this place might recover. For a brief time there, when I thought I was going to get shit canned from my appointment, I had a friend who was going to help me revive Cleft Crusty and offer to help with the website. If he's still interested, I might put him up to it, but he has to get through a tough stretch with his business before he can think of anything else. The shitty economy is wreaking havoc with a lot of lives, including his and mine.

I hope you don't stop looking for someone to help you with the software. I would think that if you fix some of those problems, the site will recover...