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Thread: Another boring money post

  1. #441
    Rider Rat HOFer Upnorth's Avatar
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    Over the past week or so the US dollar has risen much quicker than most expect. As turmoil has been seen again in Europe a lot of money has fled into the US dollar. This will be temporary. If you have are not looking for a quick buck, I would invest in Australian or Canadian Reasource company's or funds in there A$ or CDN$. Once this thing turns around the us dollar will depreciate again and stockpiles will be depleted in India and China. Also there are some interresting options in Brazil right now. THis is a great time to buy a most things are on sale. Just DON'T PANIC. Also make sure you have your towel, hehe.

  2. #442
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    It's been a two-way street on this one.

    BTW, Nice sexist remark - you should be banned for that.
    It is always a two-way street, problem is P is alway the one driving on the wrong side of the road.

  3. #443
    Roadkill Rat HOFer mraynrand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
    It is always a two-way street, problem is P is alway the one driving on the wrong side of the road.
    I disagree. As annoying as I think Partial can get from time to time, he takes as much abuse - sometimes even more - than he dishes out. Read the whole thread and count up personal attacks. You might be surprised.
    "Never, never ever support a punk like mraynrand. Rather be as I am and feel real sympathy for his sickness." - Woodbuck

  4. #444
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial View Post
    RG, Please take a moment to read this.

    Ok, there was absolutely NO reason for me to read that. Partial, I'm going to try and explain this one more time, and then I'm really done. My objections to flash, Apple, IOS, IPHONE, and IPAD really aren't the crux of the issue in this thread. The crux is that you are seemingly incapable of listening to what my concerns are, or better stated, WHY I own what I own. It's absolutely irrelevant that what I own is what YOU believe I should own, you do not understand why I don't own what you think I should.

    Probably 20 times in this thread you have "told" me what I should buy and what I should not buy. Not one time here have I told you what YOU should buy. Frankly, I don't care what you spend your money on. I don't care if you overpay for a great "user experience" or if you choose to pay $40 bucks for an HDMI adapter. I do, however, care whether or not I spend that on a user experience or a cable.

    The issues that I have are that you preached to the high heavens about my purchasing decisions without truly listening to what I'm using the devices for. Because of that, you reached the wrong conclusion, because all the "right" reasons you used to justify it, aren't MY reasons. And I'm the one that is supposed to buy the device. As you get older, like the rest of us, you'll have less tolerance for folks that behave this way. In the meantime, keeping your mouth shut unless asked for your opinion is a great plan of attack. If you recall, about 3 years ago, I emailed you asking for advice about a pending netbook purchase. You actually helped with that, because you listened to what my wife's needs ACTUALLY were and were able to make meaningful suggestions. You seem to have lost that ability lately, and quite honestly, I would NEVER ask for your advice right now. NEVER.

    Now, why don't I own an IPAD? Why don't I want one? Two reasons. The additional cost is not something that I can justify for the uses I have for it. And, I do not like the closed architecture of the device and the additional costs associated with that closed architecture. In spite of that, 3 months ago, I was very close to buying one. Your rants turned me from that, and as a result, I have two android tablets that meet my needs very well today, and cost me less than one IPAD would have.

    It was the right decision for me, and certainly wasn't the right decision for you (but you don't own them, so what do you care?). For 11 pages, you have droned on and on about why I picked the wrong technology, how I settled for a lower quality user experience, and how I'm so stupid I can't forecast the future. Unfortunately for you, none of those things, even if true, cause these two devices to not meet my needs. Quite the opposite. They do meet my needs, and they meet them more efficiently than the IPAD would.

    I could go on for pages about why that's the case, but this post is approaching Woody lengths so I've only got time for a couple of examples.

    1 - FLASH. Is it dying? sure. I understand that. But it isn't dead yet. Recent studies show that 40% of major websites still use flash content. ALL of the news websites that I use, still use the content for videos. I'm sure they use HTML5 too. But the videos wouldn't run until I installed flash. They won't run on my laptop unless I use flash. Maybe 6 months or a year from now that'll be different. But today? I use flash. I could care less whether or not I get videos from HTML5 or flash, but I don't want to "find better" websites to watch news videos. I want to watch the sites I currently use, and today, that's flash.

    Hulu is a second perfect example of this. Today, they give away videos on your laptop. You watch a few ads from time to time, but otherwise there are no costs. Those videos are flash. I have a hacked script that allows me to watch those videos on my android tablet. Granted they are 360p, but they work. If I had an IPAD, I would have to use "hulu plus". It's $10 a month. It isn't free. I would get a great user experience for that $10 a month. Certainly better than 360p, but, what you fail to understand is that I watch 6 to 12 videos PER YEAR. At 6 per year, that's $20bucks to watch a 30 minute show. It doesn't make sense. But if I have an IPAD? It's the ONLY way.

    Hulu plus for android is rolling out. Hulu consciously blocks access from tablets and phones. Free access won't last forever. At that point, I'll stop using Hulu because it isn't something I'm willing to pay for. You might be. Enjoy it. I won't pay. In the meantime, my android tablet meets my needs better than the comparable IPAD would. And the great user experience? Irrelevant.

    2. The closed architecture. I will travel 3 times between now and the end of the year to Charleston, SC on business. I will take my android tablet and a $4 HDMI cable with me. I will stream movies from my SD card to the TV in the hotel. I would not do this if I had to purchase a proprietary adapter. I'd just watch it on the tablet. Another "benefit" that I'm not willing to pay for. Could I? Sure. But I don't spend money on that. It isn't important to me. No matter how many great reasons you have, it still isn't a priority for me to spend money on. I'll spend $4, but I won't spend $30, or $40. Maybe I'm stupid, but you fail to realize that's my choice.

    I could care less what Apple's next product launch is, or whether or not their technology choices become the "industry standard". I live behind the technology curve, and I do that purposely. I spend a fraction of what you do on technology and probably get 75% of the "experience" you do. Sometimes I wait a year longer to get it, or settle for a modified version of the "great experience", but it doesn't cost me very much.

    I've consciously avoided Apple products for the reasons I've stated above. Their closed architecture does lead to a different "user experience". But that experience comes with a fee, whether it's a cable, or a monthly cost, or the frustration of using a restrictive product like ITUNES, that "experience" is NOT free. The model isn't for me. If it's for you, GREAT. Enjoy it. But please, stop telling me what to do, and using example important to YOU to make MY decisions. Use things important to ME to talk about MY decisions. When you do that, you'll see that I made the "right" choices, FOR ME.

  5. #445
    For those of you who skipped the above, you might want to read this....

    Why Apple Investors Could Go Bust...

    Not only is the company sitting on two blockbuster and still fast-growing products -- the iPhone and iPad -- but it also has $75 billion it can use to develop another blockbuster product, make a game-changing acquisition, or both!

    Given those attributes, paying 10 times EBITDA for one of the world's largest and fastest-growing technology companies seems like a bargain. Heck, assume that Apple can continue retaining 100% of earnings and earning a 40% on equity, as it has over the past 12 months, and the math -- demanding a 10% return -- says it's worth approximately $900 per share.
    The problem with that
    Apple, however, has never sustainably earned a 40% return on equity or even a 20% return on equity. Go back 20 years, and what you'll find in Apple is actually a (gasp!) cyclical business. A boom from 1990 to 1992 was followed by a bust from 1993 to 1997, followed by a boom from 1998 to 2000, a bust from 2001 to 2004, and a boom from 2005 to the present.

    With it now being almost 2012, either this time it's different (and I use that phrase intentionally) or this boom is starting to get a bit long in the tooth.
    The global view
    To buy Apple today, an investor has to believe one of two things:

    1. The iPhone and iPad will not become commoditized.
    2. If the iPhone and iPad become commoditized, Apple will innovate, develop, and launch a new product to overcome the resulting revenue declines.

    Neither scenario is, of course, impossible, but I do not believe that Apple is as cheap as it looks. Not only will it have to move downmarket to compete with Android and the new Kindle Fire, but the fact remains that only so much of the world can afford $600 gadgets -- with the rest not being able to afford them anytime soon.

  6. #446
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand View Post
    I disagree. As annoying as I think Partial can get from time to time, he takes as much abuse - sometimes even more - than he dishes out. Read the whole thread and count up personal attacks. You might be surprised.
    Well you have a right to your opinion. I know he takes alot of shit. He is tough and can take it. I have kicked it with him and he is hella cool. All I am asking is that he be cool here too. This thread might back your arguement but his history backs mine.

    You love all the political stuff. How about you run a poll asking about him? Word it however you want but make sure it ask if he needs to chill or others are just being crybabies.

  7. #447
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by retailguy View Post
    Why do you continue to throw him the ball back if you are sick of playing with him?

  8. #448
    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
    Why do you continue to throw him the ball back if you are sick of playing with him?
    the hope that one day, he shuts his mouth long enough to understand. i know it isn't going to happen, but i keep beating my head against the wall...

  9. #449
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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  10. #450
    That implies that there is some malice and forethought in Partials actions. That's not too likely.

  11. #451
    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
    I have kicked it with him and he is hella cool.
    So have I. I used to think this, but I was mistaken.

  12. #452
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    RG I will read your post later I haven't had a chance yet.

    Hey Zig you may want to check and see if you're affected by this:

    Update: Looks like you are. Better get anything personal off of there for a bit until it's cleared up.

    Yikes, another one, Freak if you got around to picking up the Galaxy S II you should check if you're affected by the bug below.

    Two really bad Android vulnerabilities in one day. Yikes.

  13. #453
    Good thing I don't keep my life on my phone, huh?
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  14. #454
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy View Post
    Good thing I don't keep my life on my phone, huh?
    You don't keep text msgs? Pics? Contacts? Emails? Why do you have a smart phone, then?

    Jeez, why the snide remark when I'm trying to save you from having your personal info ripped?? It's really rude. I'll refrain from trying to help you in the future. Hopefully, getting your life hijacked will teach you to be a little nicer and more respectful to those who are trying to help you.

  15. #455
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial View Post
    why the snide remark when I'm trying to save you from having your personal info ripped?? It's really rude.

    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  16. #456
    Sugadaddy Rat HOFer Zool's Avatar
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    Wakka doooo wakka dooo wakka doooo dooo doooooo
    Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
    This is museum quality stupidity.

  17. #457
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Crazy stuff going on with Sprint and the iPhone. Sprint is betting the farm on the iPhone?

    We’ve been hearing about the iPhone coming to Sprint for so long now that it feels almost inevitable, but that wasn’t necessarily the case behind the scenes, according to the Wall Street Journal. In order to get the device, Sprint had to promise Apple it would buy some 30.5 million iPhones over the next four years at total cost of $20 billion — a “bet-the-company” deal that may not make the number-three carrier any money until 2014. Even still, CEO Dan Hesse convinced his board of directors that Sprint simply couldn’t compete without Apple’s latest phone — he’s previously said desire for the iPhone is the “number 1 reason customers leave or switch.”
    Clearly Sprint thinks iPhone is the real deal and Android is not if they're willing to bet the future of the company on it.
    Last edited by Partial; 10-03-2011 at 04:04 PM.

  18. #458
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  19. #459
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial View Post
    You don't keep text msgs? Pics? Contacts? Emails? Why do you have a smart phone, then?

    Jeez, why the snide remark when I'm trying to save you from having your personal info ripped?? It's really rude. I'll refrain from trying to help you in the future. Hopefully, getting your life hijacked will teach you to be a little nicer and more respectful to those who are trying to help you.
    We'll say that I'm careful with my data. Phones can be stolen. If someone wants a pic of my cat that badly, let 'em have at it, but you won't find pics of my kid. After a rash of car thefts several years ago where the car thieves used the navigation to go rob the people's houses, trying to get to my home will take you to my kid's old elementary school. We don't have a texting plan because we, you know, call each other and I don't use people's full names in my contact list. You'd have to know who they are for the list to do you any good. Good luck hijacking my life from my phone. I have a smart phone for navigation & maps and finding coffee shops and for scanning random bar codes, identifying songs, reading and entertaining myself when I have a few minutes and no knitting with me. Oh and for music when I need it. And by the way, if you read this post, you'll realize that my post was completely serious. Unlike all your replies when I've tried to help you out in your life.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  20. #460
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Yo Partial....I'm still rolling with my handy Nexus One. I'll wait and see what shakes here in the next week or three.....

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