I'm somewhat new to golf. I've been working on my swing getting the kinks worked out. This is my second year golfing and I probably swing just to swing about 20 - 100 times a day.

Anyway, I was at the range slicing the hell out if it like I always do when an older fella walked up. He was wearing sandles and didn't look like your typical golf pro. I have to admit though; it was amazing how much control he had on his irons. He was dropping the ball right on one of these elevated greens every time he hit it. I think he noticed that I was watching him to try to duplicate whatever it was he was doing and he stopped and said "Your opening up your swing right about *THERE*....". I thought to myself "oh yeah, your right". I took a couple more swings and noticed my slice start to disappear.

Long story short; I just spent 2 hours hitting 200 balls and now I have complete control over my swing. I'm not launching it 250 like I used to but I'm hitting it 150 right down the middle with my driver and I have a picture perfect draw on the ball.

I've never had so much fun...I can't wait to get out on the course and show my inlaws what is up. They've been golfing their whole lives and I think I'm ready to compete. Well, this semester is drawing to an end and I've spent more time working on my swing than I have doing the 6 papers I still have to turn in. Thats alright.....C's get degrees and hitting the ball straight is fucking priceless.

This topic doesn't belong and I'm sorry for anyone who reads this but I'm as competitive as the good lord makes them and I lost every game I golfed last year. *OUCH*

I just had to share my golf breakthrough with someone.