Hi again fellow Pack fans! (And Mazzin!)

It is I - your favorite poster not named Partial. I, of interracial. I, of interspecial. I am Lions rookie sensation, DeArturo Feoker.

Just kidding.

It is I, the notorious T.E.D. That's "Ted" for shutdown corner, stoic, extreme liberal and man of virtue.

The reason I have returned is because I am naked now that Sportsbubbler is history. What are we? Stardust wandering and withering in cyberspace? Alas, Sportsbubbler was the greatest thing to happen to mankind since the verdict of Loving vs. Virgina.

Humble Madtownpacker, you may move this thread, but I humbly beg you not to ban me (again). I promise no more duplicated accounts! And I understand that there are folks here who hate me like they hate Sarah Palin, but with the new and improved ignore feature, I can now be ignored!

What is up Mazzin? Have you finally wedded Partial? In my despair, I wrote this rhyme for you:

I've strangely become immune
To the thought of seeing you
And the smell of cheap perfume
Is just a ring around the moon
There's no more beauty in this
There's no more beauty in this
There's no more beauty in this world

Actually, I took it from some band named Hurt. Keep in mind that its only plagiarism if one profits for another person's work. As an extreme liberal, I hate capitalism more than I hate sexism, and as an extreme liberal, I rarely hate.

Anyway, the point is, with Sportsbubbler being history like the 9th inning of the 1776 world series of poker, I need a place to post my ingenious "Ballad of Ted Thompson" threads. I hope for the privilege to post them here on this humble forum.

P.S.: If it is not beyond the realm of delusion for one to change his or her screenname, I would like to change mine to "Tank Elf Duke." I am tired of being Bob Hanssen, Russian spy, sexist, and free traitor. But please let me know beforehand regarding said change so I can log back in once I log out - assuming I am not banned again.
