Quote Originally Posted by pittstang5 View Post
I'm calling out Esoxx. I don't know you, I've never personally attacked anyone on here (that I can remember) - but giving negative rep., without warning, for some colorful language in a game day thread of all places, is mind blowing. You sir, have too much time if you need to go through the trouble of handing out negative rep. to posters because you don't like a couple words they used to express their emotions.

I'm a very competitive person and when it comes to football, especially the Packers, I am very passionate. Hell, I get pissed when the Packers lose a Preseason game.
I don't live in or near Wisconsin and don't have any Packer friends. I use this forum as a place to get information and also as a place to see if I am feeling the same emotions about the Packers as other do. I love the Game day Threads. Instead of yelling at the TV, scaring the dog and little one running around and then pissing my wife off, I can scream through the forum - along with everyone else. If you don't like what you're reading from me, simply ignore me - there is a button for that.
Esoxx did that to me a couple times too. And I couldn't figure out why he was leaving negative rep points. It was confusing.