You are one of the best Apple Pimps I know, and I hope you are right. I'd still buy GOOD or FB before Apple right now. And if you want to go more risky with a much greater rewad trying to find companies like YELP whose growth is going through the roof is exciting as well.

Truth be told. a company like Apple should buy YELP. But I hope it doesn't because I think I'd taking the plunge soon taking about half the position I want long term.

In the past week, we have learned some of these new IPO stocks are pretenders while others are contenders to get way bigger. Twitter, right now...a definite pretender. YELP has a shot to make people wealthy. I think the same of Workday and ServiceNow.

Apple is a safe pick IMO but GOOG is far more impressive right now if you are looking at stocks priced at those high levels IMO.

But I'm not looking for what Apple can offer me now. I get that it can double in the next one to three years. I'm looking for a high growth gamechanger that can offer multi baggers....... in the constant quest to get the huge returns of a company making a run like Apple did. So we're looking for different things. No rights or wrongs here.

Hopefully we both kick ass