I WOULD LOVE to get some analysis/viewpoints of my stock holdings so I'm going to post all I own.

For a BIG of background, I had an old ROTH IRA with roughly 45G in in with Edward Jones. It was going good, but not great. I went through stages of trying to dip into some VERY high risk stocks, was got burned and that is partly why my returns haven't been great. But I also combined them with several stocks that have did very well. I did this about 2 years ago and currently the holdings are only valued at about 68G. I am wanting high growth; if I'd lose every penny in this I would still be OK. so keep in mind, diversification isn't my real focus here. Anway's here I gol
With most of these stocks I invested about an average of 2,000 with the exception of AMD where I invested 4G and CrowdStrike with 3500.Those both paid off. Here are the list

THE LIST is in order of the most current market value, to the least

CRWD (THE SCARY PART IS, I timed all of these pretty well and the three together are nearly 50% of the total balance of the ROTH IRA, but I still love all three stocks)

PANW (Palo Alto Networks)
DFKN (DraftKings)
DDOG (Datadog)

SO ROAST ME and/or GIVE ME SOME STRONG VIEWS on possible additions/subtractions at today's prices...etc