Quote Originally Posted by Guiness View Post
You got so much right there it's hard to follow up.

I'll just comment on the Bleacher Report title - 'inside story'? lol I guess this is what passes for journalism at that sight (for sore eyes). They didn't talk to the player or even know who he is, didn't talk to the team(s) that walked away and don't know who they are, and have a list of 5 possible reasons but they have no actual idea which, if any, of those is the right one. Officials from other teams told BR why the signing didn't happen - then they talked about Jackie Robinson and Jason Collins - now that's hard hitting journalism!

I know Woody, you read BR and this article did touch on a good subject, one I was wondering about after the reports this spring. But damn they drive me nuts!
Here's some dope on the author of the article this thread Guiness or Mike Freeman.


I don't 'just read' BR Guiness. I read a lot of shit on NFL football.

I posted this thread because I somehow stumbled on the Article RE: this thread and felt it would inform the forum on a HOT topic. A topic that by far shouldn't be HOT in this day and age. Is there anything and this issue related to the Miami Dolphins and the very HOT case of the Dolphins draft pick OT Johnathan Martin?

Good Lord.

Is football that manly!? The advertizers of NFL apparel are busting their ass's and blowing my mind with their silly commercials to peddle their womans line of NFL apparel. I'm wondering ... Does that include small panties? Am I even allowed to wonder that?

I'm so sick of that latest commercial....that runs over and over and over again.

Ohh Dear !

" Uptight !? .... Everything is all right."

That line from a song is playing in my head right now. Phil Collins is singing it.

For anyone who considers themselves homophobic. May I recommend the excellent HBO drama series of five seasons entitled 'SIX FEET UNDER'. Watching that series did wonders to assist me in dealing with my homophobia. Reference Michael C. Hall's character GAY Funeral Dierector David Fisher, the middle child in that Fisher family.


Yea the same Michael C. Hall that plays DEXTER ... Our beloved serial killer.

Michael C. Hall ROCKS as an actor.