Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
It's so arbitrary with the NFL that it is starting to drive me crazy.
3irty1 hit the nail on the head. Rice isn't band because of doestic violence. He's banned because of a video. If there had been video, lots of Packers would have been banned over the years.

So domestic abuse in the privacy of your home might get you as short suspension. Domestic abuse in public gets you banned, but only if there is video.
OK, but different levels of evidence exist in all cases of wrongdoing. And that affects verdicts and sentencing even for substantially the same act. Details of laws (there are often 5 levels of sexual assault on the books) and their corresponding sentences often depend on very fine grained reading of the available evidence.

So is that what disturbs you, or the fact that the League believed this was a "both sides are to blame and a slap isn't really a punch" incident that is domestic violence incident only in the technical sense?

Or is it my particular brand of exasperation, that Goodell seems to pick punishments out of a hat after reading USAToday?