What's more disgusting to me than what Rice did, is the "... Sister Bertha Betterthanyou" reaction of Amerika, i.e. sinless, sanctimonious ninnies who inflate their self-worth by spouting politically correct platitudes and cruxifying others.

The reaction is out of proportion, the punishment and ridiculous non-stop public shaming, and the lifelong sentence are out of proportion. Not only has Ray Rice been given a life sentence, his wife and family have been harmed by you monsters far more than any harm that came from the original offense.

You have cut off his livliehood, you have cut off his funds - that does lifelong harm to his family. Their child, and the children they may have that haven't even been born yet are going to suffer - not b/c of the incident that their parents had, but b/c of the scarlett letter of shame that you politically correct bullies see nothing wrong with marking someone with for life.

Ray Rice is a kid... what is he?? 27 yrs old?? He fucked up, his fiance fucked up - by all accounts it was a 1-time incident - leave them alone to work it out and get their shit together!!!

What's even more of a shame - is that we now live in an Orwellian surveillance society, in which everyone is under 24/7 surveillance. GM recently announced that they were putting cameras in their cars - the cops can already turn on your Onstar and listen to your conversation, now they will be able to simply tune into the car-cam... it's disturbing and sick. Much more disturbing and sick than anything Ray Rice did!!

Amerika is seriously fucked up.