I really get a kick out of this bit that paints A. Smith as a victim in all of this!

Quote Originally Posted by An Idiot
The ongoing situation with Aldon Smith is sad. Over the last two plus years, he’s been arrested for DUI twice, been stabbed at his house, entered rehab, and most recently, been arrested after an incident with the TSA at LAX. There’s really no need for any more dirt to be piled onto him, yet that’s exactly what the Green Bay Packers have done this week.
Give a freaking break. Yeah I'm the one that forced him to get in his car and drive while he was intoxicated. I put him in a situation where he would be stabbed. Oddly enough, I've never even been close to being stabbed in my house. Oh and I made him say he has a bomb at one of the largest airports in the US. The guy deserves everything he gets.