I mean, he obviously hit her hard. I wasn't trying to say she was faking it. His story is he popped her once in retaliation and she never lost consciousness. She obviously didn't like it and wanted to make a stink so he'd get arrested. Again, this story is three degrees removed from someone that stands to gain by lying in the first place, but after hearing it, and then watching the video again, I see it.

I don't buy the angle that women are so weak they can't possibly hurt a man, but if a mighty man lays a finger on a woman, he's the devil. (Free Stephen A. Smith lol) Physical violence that is without justification is wrong, but I don't see him as being psychologically abusive to her, which is the lasting legacy of perpetuated domestic violence.

Neither of them had a good reason to hit the other, ergo they are both wrong. It's just that one of them is famous.