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Thread: The Tight End Spot - Week 1 and beyond

  1. #1
    Senior Rat HOFer packers11's Avatar
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    The Tight End Spot - Week 1 and beyond

    After watching the game last night I am surprised no one is making a bigger deal out of the tight end play. I think this team is desperately missing a big playmaker in the middle that takes the attention of a linebacker + safety. I can’t believe I am saying this team looks like it’s going to miss Finley a lot more this year because the other tight ends are not ready to take a leap to the next level.

    The only middle passes are coming from WR slants and or RB dumpoffs. When Finley was in there, you would see a lot more middle seem routes. Anyone do a more in depth analysis at the tight ends when watching the game?

  2. #2
    Skeptical Rat HOFer wist43's Avatar
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    Bostick is our best TE... how long is he out??

    Rodgers looks like a wasted pick... he's too much of a plodder.

    Still, the reason no one is looking at TE, is b/c everything else was such a mess, that there are pages and pages of complaints to rifle thru before we ever get to how dismal our TE situation looks.

    The 2014 Green Bay Packers, at least to start the season, are a complete mess. Things can only improve from here, but that's not saying much... the team looked horrible, nothing short of horrible last night.

  3. #3
    Dom Caper's scheme is inhibiting the development of the TE group in practice

  4. #4
    Senior Rat All-Pro oldbutnotdeadyet's Avatar
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    I am not sure
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby View Post
    Dom Caper's scheme is inhibiting the development of the TE group in practice
    Dom Caper's scheme is inhibiting the development of the group.

    There, fixed that for ya

  5. #5
    Having a decent TE last night probably wouldn't have hurt. I don't think the outcome would have changed, except said decent TE would have probably gotten injured. But this team has more issues.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by oldbutnotdeadyet View Post
    Dom Caper's scheme is inhibiting the development of the group.
    It's not well known, but Capers also broke up Spinal Tap. The other members thought his hair piece was too over-the-top. Dom is poison. (Or so he thought - he ruined that group too.)

  7. #7
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Ha ha! Fucking Dom killed Heavy Metal.

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