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Thread: Goodell got it wrong and he's sorry.

  1. #1

    Goodell got it wrong and he's sorry.

  2. #2
    Drowned Rat HOFer denverYooper's Avatar
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    Denver Post's TV critic wrote it up:

    I fought the urge to quote the entire short post, but here's the wrap:

    Okay, guys, all this attention will pass as soon as we get closer to the Super Bowl. So look like you mean it, stick to the script and run out the news cycle.
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro ~Hunter S.

  3. #3
    Drowned Rat HOFer denverYooper's Avatar
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    "And push the idea that we’re adding some skirts in the board room."
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro ~Hunter S.

  4. #4
    I think Deadspin put it best in two different headlines:

    To Prove He's Not Evil, Roger Goodell Pleads Incompetence

    Goodell: I Suck At My Job. Now Trust Me
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  5. #5
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Ok how about we all meet halfways and AP gives Goodie a whupping? Afterwards the pics get posted on and they run a poll asking if punishment was sufficient.

  6. #6

  7. #7
    The entire problem stems from his desire to personally oversee Player Conduct issues and having NO IDEA what that might entail, or what kind of traps he was laying for himself by handing down differing punishments for similar misdeeds depending on how he reacted to meeting with the player.

    In the Q&A session, he seemed to obliquely say he was willing to give up some jurisdiction or control, I'll guess we'l see if he follows through. Maybe he learned something, my money is that he has not. He refused to use his appeal authority as a bargaining chip in the CBA when the owner's were out for a big win and it could have bought concessions. I don't think he gives up so easily.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  8. #8
    Neo Rat HOFer Fritz's Avatar
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    Years ago, when women were not supplied with the current high-tech gadgetry to help them deal with their monthly issues, and bathing every day was not the norm, they would sometimes address issues of odor by applying a concoction whose name came from the french verb "douche."

    Goodell seems to be a bag of that.
    "The Devine era is actually worse than you remember if you go back and look at it."


  9. #9
    Barbershop Rat HOFer Pugger's Avatar
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    Goodell is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't in this situation. I'm sure past commissioners didn't address this issue because there was no video of the deeds. But once everyone saw the brutal act then everyone got upset and we need someone to blame so lets blame Goodell but not the perpetrator? IMO the only good thing about all of this perhaps domestic violence and child abuse will be out in the open and the monsters who are terrorizing the very people they supposedly love will be properly punished - and not just NFL players.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Pugger View Post
    Goodell is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't in this situation. I'm sure past commissioners didn't address this issue because there was no video of the deeds. But once everyone saw the brutal act then everyone got upset and we need someone to blame so lets blame Goodell but not the perpetrator? IMO the only good thing about all of this perhaps domestic violence and child abuse will be out in the open and the monsters who are terrorizing the very people they supposedly love will be properly punished - and not just NFL players.
    I agree to an extent, but he isn't the only sports League dealing with this. Nor is he the only employer in the same boat. His entire career has been in the NFL and his lack of imagination and hubris that he and his current staff could handle something like this demonstrates how shallow his thinking and knowledge is.

    What he is doing now, hiring outside experts and decentralizing authority, should have been his plan from Day 1. I don't understand how the NFLPA signed off on his being judge, jury, appellate court and executioner. Unions have been through this before too. Its as if they actually believe Football as a Sports Entertainment Business is actually a Unicorn.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  11. #11
    Skeptical Rat HOFer wist43's Avatar
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    Amerikans are control freaks and touchy-feely; hence, the need for all the lawyers.

    Goodell is a lawyer - he, and all lawyers, need to go the way of priests during the French Revolution; bind their hands and feet, set them adrift in a boat, and then sink it

    Not a very effective means of disposal, but it made for great theatre

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by wist43 View Post
    Amerikans are control freaks and touchy-feely; hence, the need for all the lawyers.

    Goodell is a lawyer - he, and all lawyers, need to go the way of priests during the French Revolution; bind their hands and feet, set them adrift in a boat, and then sink it

    Not a very effective means of disposal, but it made for great theatre
    Goodell is not a lawyer.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    I think Deadspin put it best in two different headlines:

    To Prove He's Not Evil, Roger Goodell Pleads Incompetence

    Goodell: I Suck At My Job. Now Trust Me
    Hey it works for Obama.

  14. #14
    Skeptical Rat HOFer wist43's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
    Goodell is not a lawyer.
    I've heard on sports talk radio several times that he was lawyer - is he something worse??

    Draw and quarter?? his head on a pike?? I'm okay with those, if you think drowning is too dignified for him

  15. #15
    Drowned Rat HOFer denverYooper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wist43 View Post
    I've heard on sports talk radio several times that he was lawyer
    Well shit, if you heard it several times on the radio, it must be true.
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro ~Hunter S.

  16. #16
    Skeptical Rat HOFer wist43's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by denverYooper View Post
    Well shit, if you heard it several times on the radio, it must be true.
    Didn't have any reason to doubt it... if he's not a lawyer, he's certainly sleezy enough to be one.

    Personally, I think the French Revolution priest drowning scenario would provide the most compelling reality TV though... and isn't that what Amerika is all about now, "reality" TV??

    Let's look up his CV and see what we find

  17. #17
    Skeptical Rat HOFer wist43's Avatar
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    There we go... seems papa was "connected", lol...

    Was appointed to the U.S. Senate by Nelson Rockefeller (a more contempible sleeze never lived - and that's saying a lot, coz there's a lot of sleeze in this world) when Robert Kennedy was assassinated.

    A "moderate" (code for a man with no principles), he showed his allegiance to the Establishment by going off the rails and voting the Establishment Party line, i.e. all things big government.

    So daddy was pure scum.

    Roger graduated from Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania with a degree in economics. Strange, considering that papa was Ivy League - but, W&J is an elitist institution in its own right. $40k/year tuition, and highly ranked amongst the intelligencia.

    Seems to have been rather innocuous as an employee within the league - strange pick for commissioner. I never really knew much about the guy... heard he was a lawyer, had no reason to doubt it.

    Still, it makes sense that he wouldn't have a moral compass or any genuine sense of right and wrong, given his lineage.


    I still vote we duct tape his hands and feet and give him the French priest treatment

  18. #18
    Skeptical Rat HOFer wist43's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by denverYooper View Post
    Well shit, if you heard it several times on the radio, it must be true.
    You live in Denver, so you must be high, right??

  19. #19
    Drowned Rat HOFer denverYooper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wist43 View Post
    You live in Denver, so you must be high, right??
    Some days but not today. Nice work on the background check, showing Roger's connection to the Illuminati. Looks like the old man was an attorney too.
    When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro ~Hunter S.

  20. #20

    Attending the session at 345 Park Avenue were Mike Singletary, Willie McGinest, Roman Oben, Eddie Mason, Matt Birk, Patrick Kerney, Robert Porcher, Charles Way, Scott Turner, Tony Paige, and Marty Lyons.
    Singletary was in town anyway taking a Stephen Covey course: The 8th Habit: Dropping Your Pants To Succeed.
    Bud Adams told me the franchise he admired the most was the Kansas City Chiefs. Then he asked for more hookers and blow.

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