There we go... seems papa was "connected", lol...

Was appointed to the U.S. Senate by Nelson Rockefeller (a more contempible sleeze never lived - and that's saying a lot, coz there's a lot of sleeze in this world) when Robert Kennedy was assassinated.

A "moderate" (code for a man with no principles), he showed his allegiance to the Establishment by going off the rails and voting the Establishment Party line, i.e. all things big government.

So daddy was pure scum.

Roger graduated from Washington & Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania with a degree in economics. Strange, considering that papa was Ivy League - but, W&J is an elitist institution in its own right. $40k/year tuition, and highly ranked amongst the intelligencia.

Seems to have been rather innocuous as an employee within the league - strange pick for commissioner. I never really knew much about the guy... heard he was a lawyer, had no reason to doubt it.

Still, it makes sense that he wouldn't have a moral compass or any genuine sense of right and wrong, given his lineage.


I still vote we duct tape his hands and feet and give him the French priest treatment