Quote Originally Posted by Pugger View Post
Maybe they should up the penalty. Didn't the league tell the refs to watch for it more this year because of all of the complaints by teams that faced the Seachickens last year?
The Hawks got called a few times. But remember that they ARE otherwise a good defense. The way it worked out in the SF game was: Seattle shut down SF on better than 50% of their plays. Every time the 49ers actually had a chance for a big play, they got 5 yards instead. Hard to function under those parameters.

I am not saying the Seahawks aren't good, because they obviously are. Mathematically, cheating gives them the best chance to succeed, and they would be stupid to do anything differently. Considering that, the rules need to be changed to make HOLDFORGOLD less viable. Bumping the holding penalty, or adding 5 yards from the spot on PI, would be the obvious suggestions.