And we have our next winner!

The Falcon's Prince Shembo has been charged with kicking a puppy. No, seriously, he kicked a small dog to death! Ok, while we don't know if it was a puppy or not, it was a Yorkshire Terrier, so even if it was an adult, it's still pretty much looks like a puppy.

This is the same guy that was accused of sexually assaulting a girl while he was at ND. His room mate then threatened her via a text and she committed suicide before the police could investigate.

Anyways, the Falcons are now what, three time losers when it comes to animal cruelty? There was Vick, Babineaux (killed his girlfriend's pit bull) and now this! Granted, the Babineaux thing seems to have been warranted (dog was attacking his kid) but still, that's a lota press about dying dogs tied to one team!

And before I even finished posting this, he is a 'former Alanta Falcon'. Guess they didn't want to wait for due process...